To start using Vicon Nexus Insight, you must first request a license and activate it. You may also need to set the license server for your license. If you want to use Vicon Nexus Insight remotely, you will need to set up commuter licensing. For details of these procedures, see the following topics:
Move and revoke Vicon Nexus Insight licenses (including commuter licensing)
The Vicon Licensing software also enables you to:
Before you can request a network license, you must first install the Sentinel License Manager, which is included in standalone Vicon Product Licensing.
You can either install Vicon Product Licensing on the same machine that is to run Nexus Insight or (more usually) on a machine central to all machines that will run Nexus Insight.
To install standalone Vicon Product Licensing:
Visit the Vicon website downloads page, search for 'licensing
' and download Vicon Product Licensing.
Extract the files, run Vicon_Product_Licensing_Setup.exe and follow the onscreen prompts to install it.
When you've completed the installation, you can request your network license as described in the following section.
To request a license, you start Vicon Nexus Insight and supply the relevant details.
Watch a Vicon video showing how to request a license:
To request a license from Vicon Support:
If you are using a SafeNet dongle to license your machine:
Ensure you have installed the latest dongle drivers onto the PC on which you will run Vicon Nexus Insight. You can either choose the option for dongle drivers when you install Vicon Nexus Insight, or run the Vicon Nexus Insight installer at any time, or you can download the drivers from the Downloads page on the Vicon website.
Insert the dongle.
On the machine for which you want the license (either a networked license server or a standalone machine), start Vicon Nexus Insight and at the left of the dialog box, click Request License.
Note: You can also manage licensing in the following ways:
After you have licensed Vicon Nexus Insight, start Nexus Insight and on the Help menu, click Vicon Product Licensing
To run Vicon Product Licensing independently of Vicon Nexus Insight, click the Start button, then All Programs > Vicon > Licensing > ViconProductLicensing.or
At the top of the Request a License dialog box, from the Product and Product Version menus, ensure Vicon Nexus Insight and 1.# are selected.
In the appropriate fields, type your name, email address and company name.
In the Options area, select whether to request:
Standalone license locked to local PC name: for use by the PC from which you are sending this request only
Network license locked to license server name: for use on the license server machine from which you are sending this request by one or more PCs on the same network
Standalone license locked to a dongle: for use with the specified dongle on a single PC. In the Dongle ID field, type the ID, which is found on the dongle
For network/server based licenses only: if necessary, change the value for the Number of Seats.
Leave the settings in the Machine area at their default values unless you are asked to change them by Vicon Support (for example, if you are using a dual-booting system or have had to reinstall Windows).
Do one of the following:
If you can currently email your license request, click the Email Request button; or
If email is currently unavailable, click Save Request to a file, so that you can send the request later. Type or browse to a suitable location and click OK. The file is saved as ViconLicenseRequest*.xml. When possible, email the file to Vicon Support.
After you have received a license file from Vicon Support, you must activate it before you can start using Vicon Nexus Insight.
Watch a Vicon video showing how to activate a license:
To activate a license:
Check your email for a message from Vicon Support. The license file (named Vicon Nexus Insight Release Number License Type.lic, for example, Vicon Nexus Insight 1.1 Network.lic) is attached to the email. If you are using a Safenet dongle, the email has the ID of your dongle (of the form UBnnnnnn) in the Subject line.
If you have not received a license file, request one as described in Request a license.
Save the license file (*.lic) to the Windows desktop of the machine for which you have a license (or any other suitable location).
Start Vicon Nexus Insight and in the Vicon Product Licensing dialog box, click Activate License.
Depending on whether you are using the file as it was received from Vicon Support or as a text string copied from the file:
In the License File Activation field, type or browse to the location of the license file (.lic) and click *Activate from File; or
Copy the text to the License Activation string field and click Activate from String.
Click OK.
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When you have activated your license, you are ready to start using Vicon Nexus Insight.
If a server provides licenses to client PCs on your network, to enable a client PC to find its license quickly, on the client PC specify the license server for Vicon Nexus Insight to use.
If you use standalone licensing, Vicon Nexus Insight should find its license. If not, or if you need to change the license server, complete the following steps.
To enable Vicon Nexus Insight to find its license:
Ensure you have installed Vicon Nexus Insight as described in Install Vicon Nexus Insight. Depending on the type of license you have, ensure that your system is ready:
If your PC obtains its license from a license server, ensure that Vicon Nexus Insight is licensed on the relevant server.
If you are using a standalone license, ensure that you have requested, saved and activated your license on this machine.
Start Vicon Nexus Insight and depending on whether or not a license is found:
If the Vicon Product Licensing dialog box opens, click Set License Server; or
If Vicon Nexus Insight opens and you want to view or change the current license server:
On the Help menu, click Licensing.
In the Vicon Product Licensing dialog box, go to the Product License Location list (in the lower half of the dialog box), and right-click on the line that shows the relevant Vicon Nexus Insight license and then click Set License Type.
In the Change License Server dialog box, do one of the following:
To use standalone licensing, select Use Standalone/Commuter Licenses Only and then click OK.
To obtain a license from any available license server (local or on a network), select Use Standalone/Commuter Licenses Or Scan for a License Server and then click OK.
To select a specific license server from a list of available servers:
Click Discover. Local and network licenses are displayed.
In the Available Servers list, double-click the required license server and then click OK.
To specify a license server on your network, select Use a Specific Network License Server, type the name in the License Server field, and click OK.
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In the Vicon Product Licensing dialog box, you can view information about all available license servers without affecting the license server that is currently in use. To do this:
Open the advanced Vicon Product Licensing dialog box by doing one of the following:
Before licensing Vicon Nexus Insight, start Nexus Insight and in the Vicon Product Licensing dialog box click Advanced Licensing; or
After Vicon Nexus Insight is licensed, start Vicon Nexus Insight and on the Help menu, click Licensing to open the Vicon Product Licensing dialog box; or
Click the Windows Start button, then All Programs > Vicon > Licensing > ViconProductLicensing.
In the Vicon Product Licensing dialog box, if the required license server is not displayed in the License Server field at the top, click Change at the top right of the dialog box.
In the Options area of the Select License Server dialog box, do one of the following:
To view local standalone licenses and commuter licenses (for information on commuter licenses, see Use commuter licenses in Move and revoke Vicon Nexus Insight licenses), select View Licenses from the Locally Installed License Server; or
To view licenses on a specified license server, type the required server name in the License Server field. If you don't know the name of the license server, click Discover and in the Available Servers list, double-click a license server.
Click OK.
In License Server list at the top of the Vicon Product Licensing dialog box, licenses from the specified license server are displayed.
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