To troubleshoot issues with Vicon IR lights, complete the following checks in the order shown.

Ensure all tests are undertaken by a qualified, trainedengineer. Ensure safe working practices are followed at all times

Initial checks

Check illuminating (IR) LEDs

Check status indicator LED

Final checks

Contact Vicon

If the previous checks did not solve your issue:

  1. Note the serial number (found on the label at the top of your Vicon IR light).
  2. Contact Vicon Support .

  For more information about Vicon IR lights in a Vicon Markerless system, see Getting started with your Vicon Markerless system and Getting started with Vicon Shogun Markerless , both available from the Vicon website .

The light source (LEDs) of this IR light is not replaceable. When the unit reaches its end of life, please dispose of the whole IR light and re-cycle where possible.