Edit a Nexus Insight template JSON file
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  • Edit a Nexus Insight template JSON file

    When you create a new template or if you want to make changes to an existing template, you can edit the relevant JSON file to make these types of changes:

    • The template’s unique identifier (ID)

    • The name of the template that is displayed in Nexus Insight

    • The template’s version number

    • Whether the X-axis is time-based or cycle-based

    • Whether moments and powers should be normalized by body weight

    • Graph characteristics, such as which graphs are displayed, their titles and axis limits

    • Colors and line widths used in the graphs

    For information on where to locate the relevant JSON files, see Maintain and restore the standard templates.

    About the JSON file

    The template JSON file contains the sections described in the following tables.

    metadata section

    The metadata section contains these settings:






    ID that uniquely identifies the template. Do not change it after you have saved the template.
    Make sure the ID is unique within all templates in the Templates folder.
    Valid input is ASCII and Unicode, up to 100 characters.


    Name of the template displayed in Nexus Insight.
    Valid input is ASCII and Unicode, up to 100 characters.


    Integer that defines the version of template that is currently stored. The default value is 1.
    When you change this integer, anyone editing a report with this template selected is warned about version deprecation.


    Must always be set to false.


    Boolean that specifies whether to use time-based or cycle-based X-axes:

    • true (default for hitting template): time-based

    • false (default for cutting and gait templates): cycle-based

    See also X-axis normalization.


    Boolean that specifies whether moments and powers should be normalized by body weight:

    • true (default): Moments and powers are normalized to body weight.
      Measurement units: Nm/kg (moments) and W/kg (powers).

    • false: Moments and powers are not normalized to body weight.
      Measurement units: Nmm (moments) and W (powers).

    Forces are always normalized to body weight and represented as a percentage (%BW).

    configuration section

    The configuration section specifies which graphs are shown for kinematics (kinematicsCharts), moments (momentsCharts), powers (powersCharts), forces (forcesCharts), and EMG (emgsCharts).

    You can add and name subsections, for example, for different joints.

    For each graph, specify the following properties:






    Title of the graph
    Valid input is ASCII and Unicode, up to 48 characters.


    Graph ID (must be unique within this template)
    Valid input is ASCII and Unicode, up to 100 characters.


    Vertical axis limits, used when setting the y-axis to fixed limits


    Vertical axis title
    Valid input is ASCII and Unicode, up to 48 characters.


    Names of the graphs to group into this one. It uses a substring search, meaning that if you type pelvisangles, it includes all graphs with the substring pelvisangles (eg, pelvisangles-x, pelvisangles-y, and pelvisangles-z).

    To view the names of the available graphs, see Find the names of available graphs.

    chartConfig section

    The chartConfig section enables you to specify line colors and widths. For each graph, you can change the following properties:






    Line color in hexadecimal color code for left side data.
    Default: #fc3500 


    Line color in hexadecimal color code for right side data.
    Default: #699af0 


    Line color in hexadecimal color code for data without an associated side.
    Default: #4396ff 


    Line color in hexadecimal color code for reference data.
    Default: #ffffff 


    Line width in points for active gait cycles.
    Default: 2.75 points


    Line width in points for inactive gait cycles.
    Default: 0.75 points

    If the model outputs in the C3D file and the names in the relevant template don't match, your data is not displayed in the report. To check that the names match, with the relevant template's JSON file open in a text editor, find the C3D output names using the No template option (see Find the names of the available graphs).

    For information on the models that work with each of the standard templates, see About the standard Nexus Insight report templates.

    Find the names of the available graphs

    To find out the names of the graphs available for the current trial, select No template (single trial only) (see View all graphs for a trial) and inspect the titles of the graphs shown there.

    For example, the name that you can use for the following graph is LHipAngles-x.

    Restart Nexus Insight

    To select your new template and view the changes you've made, restart Nexus Insight.

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