Vicon Cameras context menu

Vicon Cameras context menu

When you right-click on a camera node in the Vicon Cameras list in the System panel, you can select from the following options on the context menu:

Option Description
Reorder Vicon Cameras Display the Reorder Vicon Cameras dialog box. This enables you to change the order in which Vicon cameras are displayed in the Vicon Cameras list.
Remove Select from these options:
  • Disconnected - Removes cameras that have previously connected to the application session, but are no longer connected (eg, due to being unplugged)..
  • Missing - Removes cameras that have been loaded from a system or camera calibration file, but have not connected to the application.
  • Selected - Removes cameras that are currently selected.
Resynchronize This setting resynchronizes all input types into Tracker.
Video Preview Mode

Select the required option to enter or exit Video Preview Mode. For more information, see Check camera aim and field of view.


Select from these options:

  • System - Reboots all of the Vicon hardware devices in the Vicon system. Use this option if a camera has failed to boot, or if you need to reset the whole system for other reasons.
  • Selected - Reboots selected devices
  • Non-Contributing - Reboots non-contributing cameras.
  • Cameras - Stops and restarts all the Vicon cameras in the system.
  • Connectivity Devices
  • Clusters
Set Preferred Sync Source If multiple connectivity devices are present in the system, enables you to select your primary connectivity device. Genlock and timecode can only be provided by a primary connectivity device.
Default: Automatic
If your system contains a Vicon Lock connectivity device, this is automatically selected as the sync source. For more information, see Preferred Sync Source.
Select All Cameras Provides a quick way to select all cameras listed in the Vicon Cameras list
Select Type Provides a quick way to select Vicon Cameras, Connectivity Devices, or Analog Devices

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