Understand the system health icons

Understand the system health icons

In addition to the following information, see also the Vicon video 5 - Shogun Live - System Health and Camera Fixing, which covers how to monitor and maintain the health of your Vicon Shogun system.


Throughout Shogun Live, the color red is used as a warning of possible issues, the color green is used as an indicator of good system health, while the colors between these extremes (orange, amber, yellow) are used to indicate an interim state.

For example, the color of centroids that are displayed in the Cameras view indicates the current state of camera calibration:

  • Centroids that are not contributingare displayed in red in the Cameras views, indicating that the relevant camera is not well calibrated.
  • Centroids from uncalibrated cameras are displayed in gold.
  • Centroids from calibrated cameras are green, indicating they are now contributing.

In a 3D Scene view, the color of the markers shown in the representations of the cameras also indicates whether or not the camera is contributing to the reconstructions. As elsewhere in Shogun, the color red indicates an issue, and helps you to identify a problematic camera.


On the System tab, the camera icons give you an overall indication of the cameras' status.


Icon Meaning
Camera is active or connected (and calibrated)
Camera is not calibrated
Camera is (manually) disabled
Camera is connected but not contributing
Camera is disconnected
Camera has been bumped since calibration
General warning symbol indicating an error

To display more information about the status of a camera:

  1. In the Workspace, select the Cameras view.

  2. On the System tab, click a camera.
  3. At the top of the Cameras view, hover the mouse pointer over the Centroid connection score icon:

    Note that, as usual, the color of the icons at the top of the Cameras view provides an additional indication of the camera status.

    This icon represents the centroid connection score: for the selected camera, the percentage of centroids that are contributing to reconstructions. A low centroid connection score (as shown in the above example), indicates issues with the selected camera.
  4. Hover the mouse pointer over the Average reprojection error icon:

    This icon represents the reprojection error: the distance between the 2D image of the markers on the camera and the 3D reconstructions of those markers projected back to the camera sensor.
  5. To investigate camera status further, hover the mouse pointer over any additional camera status icons to the left or right of the other two icons. These additional icons provide further information about the state of the camera: eg, a bumped camera icon and/or a camera temperature warning.

    For information about bumped cameras, see Fix bumped cameras.
    If one or more camera's operating temperature is inconsistent with its temperature at calibration, re-calibration is necessary (see Calibrate cameras).

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