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The Cameras view displays raw 2D motion capture data from one or more Vicon cameras.

It contains the following components:

Component Description
Cameras view You view and manipulate 2D data in the Workspace. You can manage the visualization of camera data, for example, you can orbit, truck, dolly, and zoom the displayed data.
View Filters
Manage the way camera data is viewed in the Cameras view pane by clicking View Filters and selecting from the options. For more information, see Set appropriate View Filters .
Reset Zoom Click to return the Cameras view to its default position and zoom.
Pin Cameras Click to hold the current camera selection in the selected view. When enabled, selecting other system sources does not change this view.

To switch quickly between viewing a single camera and all cameras, double-click a camera view. If you are already viewing all cameras, double-clicking a camera view isolates the view to that specific camera.

Understand camera performance indicators

Throughout Tracker, the color red is used as a warning of possible issues, the color green indicates good system health, while the colors between these extremes (orange, amber, yellow) indicate an interim state.

For example, the color of centroids that are displayed in the Cameras view indicates the current state of camera calibration:

  • Centroids that are not connectedare displayed in red in the Cameras views. This can be an indication that the relevant camera is not well calibrated.
  • Centroids from uncalibrated cameras are displayed in gold.
  • Centroids from calibrated cameras are green, indicating they are now contributing.

In a 3D View, double-click on a camera's body to open its 3D overlay preview (see About 3D View) and zoom in on the markers. The color of the 2D centroids indicates how well this camera view is contributing to its reconstructions.

In the System panel, the camera icons give you an overall indication of the cameras' status.

Icon Meaning
Camera is active or connected (and calibrated)
Camera is not calibrated
Camera is (manually) disabled
Camera is connected but not contributing data
Camera is disconnected
General warning symbol indicating an error

If the option Display Bump Notifications Per Camera is selected in the System Health section of the Preferences (Settings menu > Preferences), you may also see the bumped camera icon in the Vicon Cameras list.

To display more information about the status of a camera:

  1. In the Workspace, select the Cameras view.

  2. In the System panel, click a camera.
  3. At the top of the Cameras view, hover the mouse pointer over the Centroid connection score icon .
    Information about the selected camera's centroid connection score is displayed.
    Note that, as usual, the color of the icons at the top of the Cameras view provides an additional indication of the camera status.

  4. Hover the mouse pointer over the Image Error icon .
    Information about the selected camera's image error is displayed.

    This is similar to the image error that is displayed after camera calibration.

  5. To investigate camera status further, hover the mouse pointer over any additional camera status icons to the left or right of the other two icons. These additional icons provide further information about the state of the camera: eg, a camera temperature warning.

    For information on the Centroid Connection score or Image error, see Monitor system health.

For information about how to handle bumped cameras, see Fix issues with camera calibration.
If one or more camera's operating temperature is inconsistent with its temperature at calibration, re-calibration is necessary (see Calibrating Vicon cameras).

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