System events and synchronization output signals

System events and synchronization output signals

You can configure a Vicon Lock unit to output a particular synchronization signal for a third-party device connected to one or more of the eight Sync Output sockets on the rear of the Vicon Lock unit, based on Vicon camera system events.

Vicon system events relevant to GPO are identified in the following table.

System eventDescription
Start System

Synchronously start data flow from Vicon hardware devices.
This Vicon System event can be used to activate the GPO file using the GPO StartEvent MXDVStart.
For details, see StartEvent section.

Start CaptureStart capture with the Vicon cameras and any optional third-party devices, such as reference video cameras.
This Vicon System event can be used to activate the GPO file using the GPO StartEvent StartCapture.
For details, see StartEvent section.
Stop CaptureStop capture with the Vicon cameras and any optional third-party devices, such as reference video cameras.
This Vicon System event can be used to activate the GPO file using the GPO StopEvent StopCapture.
For details, see StopEvent section.
Stop SystemStop data flow from Vicon hardware devices (either to resynchronize or shut down the system).
This Vicon System event can be used to activate the GPO file using the GPO StopEvent MXDVStop.
For details, see StopEvent section.

When one of these system events occurs, the specified General Purpose Output (GPO) configuration file is activated, and the defined synchronization signal is produced (for details, see Synchronization output GPO configuration files). The devices connected to these sockets can then respond to the synchronization signal (for details of the type of signal expected to trigger an action, see the documentation for your device).

The types of synchronization signal that can be produced are described in the following table.

Signal TypeDescription
Duration (event-based)A single signal that is either on or off. When on, the signal can either stay high or low.
This signal changes state based on a specified event and then changes state back based on another specified event, independent of frames or times.
Repeating (frame based)Repetitive signal that can be locked to a frame-based (synchronous) period.
This signal uses rectangular waves with a mark-space ratio determined by the settings in the GPO file.
Frame-based periods will have their edges referenced to frame boundaries with any offsets from these specified in the GPO file.
The pulse period for frame-based signals can be set as either a multiple or fraction of the frame length and for time-based signals in microseconds or clock ticks.
This signal type can be used to synchronously align supported devices that respond to a clock pulse.

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