- Capture a ROM trial. To do this:
- With Nexus in Live mode, in the Subject Preparation pane
The Start button label changes to Stop. , click Start in the Subject Capture section. - Have the subject hold the base pose for one second and then move the segments within the VST through as full a joint range as possible. To produce the best calibration and auto-labeling, ensure that each joint is moved through a range that represents the movement that is likely to be captured during movement trials.
- Click Stop to finish the capture.
- With Nexus in Live mode, in the Subject Preparation pane
- Attach your custom skeleton labeling template (VST) to your subject (see Create a new subject from a template in the Vicon Nexus User Guide).
- Reconstruct and label the ROM trial, using AutoInitialize, plus any manual labeling that is necessary. scroll-pagebreakthe Reconstruct and Label pipeline, and manually label markers as necessary (ie, if markers become unlabeled). Do not perform any gap filling.
- To calibrate the ROM trial, run a Functional Calibrate Labeling Skeleton CalibrationROM pipeline operation. This operation pipeline optimizes the skeleton parameters used for autolabeling, including joint and marker positions for the whole trial, and calculates joint and marker statistics. If you have any calibration-only markers, before running the pipeline, select Functional Skeleton Calibration from its operations list. Open its Advanced properties and make sure Remove Calibration Markers is cleared.
- After you have run this operation, to provide good initial values for labeling, you update the default values of the VST with the ROM trial data contained in the current calibrated labeling skeleton (VSK)pipeline, you must update the VST to match the data that was calculated for this specific subject (VSK) during the ROM trial. To do this, run an Update Skeleton Parameters operation double-click the Update Skeleton Parameters operation. Before running the operation, in its Advanced properties, ensure that Update Parameters is selected.
- To set the pose used for autolabeling the static frame in future trials, choose a frame in which the subject is standing in the desired pose and, also in the Pipeline Tools pane, under Subject Calibration, select and run the Set Autolabel Pose pipeline operation. To check the pose is correct, you can change the view type from 3D Perspective to Subject Viewer.
You can now save the custom VST (see Save a custom labeling skeleton template).