Create a new subject from a template
Before you calibrate a labeling skeleton, you must create a new subject node for your subject. The following instructions explain how to create a new subject node in the Subjects Resources tree, and base it on an existing Vicon labeling skeleton template (.vst file) in the Subjects Resources pane.
Sample .vst files, including those for Plug-in Gait, are provided in the Nexus model templates folder (by default, C:\Program Files (x86)\Vicon\Nexus2.#\ModelTemplates). If you are using a standard Vicon marker set, you can base a new Subject node on one of these templates. You subsequently scale the template to fit your particular subject when you calibrate the labeling skeleton (.vsk file).
If you want to use a Hybrid CAST Visual3D model with Nexus, use the Hybrid CAST Visual3D model that is included with Nexus 2.9 and later, so that the marker set is automatically labeled when you use the Auto Initialize Labeling pipeline.
If you are not using a standard marker set, or need to modify a standard set, you must create a custom labeling skeleton template. For information, see Creating labeling skeleton templates (VSTs) or contact Vicon Support.
To create a new subject based on a Vicon labeling skeleton template:
- Ensure that you have created or opened a session in a database in which you want to store the trial data, and that it is the active session (see Prepare a data storage location).
In the Subjects Resources pane toolbar, click the Create a new Subject from a Labeling Skeleton button.
A list of all Vicon labeling skeleton templates (.vst files) in the Nexus ModelTemplates folder and a Browse link are displayed.
Tip: The supplied templates, whose names end in Ai, enable you to autolabel static frames.
- Select or browse to the desired .vst file. (For details of Plug-in Gait templates, see Plug-in Gait models and templates in the Plug-in Gait Reference Guide.
- In the Enter Subject Name dialog box, specify the name for your new subject (of no more than 32 characters) and click OK.
- If you used the Browse link rather than selecting a .vst file from the list, the Choose a Subject file dialog box is then displayed. Navigate to and select the .vst file on which the Vicon labeling skeleton (.vsk file) is to be based.
The new subject node is added in alphabetical order to the Subjects Resources tree. The node automatically includes any sub nodes and data for the elements defined in the selected .vst file: Markers, Segments, Joints, and Model Outputs.Tip: Marker names are displayed in gray if they are defined in the template but the markers are not yet labeled.
- In the Properties pane for the newly created subject, enter values for all the measurements that are required for this template. For information on the measurements required to run the supplied Plug-in Gait model, see Take subject measurements for Plug-in Gait .
Tip: Required measurements are highlighted in pink until you supply a value for them; optional measurements are not highlighted. Note that these measurements are required to run the relevant model; they do not affect labeling.
- In the Subjects Resources pane, right-click the subject name and click Save Subject.
When you save a labeling skeleton (VSK), Vicon Nexus automatically creates an accompanying .mp file, which is saved into the same folder as the VSK. If required, you can import this data by running an ImportMP pipeline operation. This is only necessary in particular circumstances (for example, if you are using Vicon BodyBuilder or Vicon Polygon), and is not part of the normal Nexus workflow.
You can now place the appropriate marker set on your subject, (for information on attaching the Plug-in Gait marker set, see Attach Plug-in Gait markers to a patient) and calibrate its labeling skeleton (.vsk file).