Review trials and fill gaps

Review trials and fill gaps

When you have reconstructed and labeled your movement trials (see Capture movement trials), you can review the results and fill any gaps in the trial data.

  1. If other Nexus users may have worked on your trial data, you may first want to check on any processing that has been performed on the files (see Review processing history).
  2. Review data quality by playing through the trial using the Time Bar and/or looking at the information on the data Quality tab (see Review data quality).
  3. If necessary, crop any large gaps at the beginning and/or end of the trial, either manually or automatically (see Crop trials).
  4. Fill any gaps using either automatic or manual gap-filling (see Fill gaps in trial data).
  5. If required, you can add events to trials (see Add events to trials).

After you have filled any gaps in your trial data, you can run the required modeling operations. For more information on modeling, see Modeling with Plug-in Gait.

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