What's new in Vicon Nexus 2.12?
Vicon Nexus 2.12 is a point release that provides features and enhancements in addition to those that were included in earlier releases of Nexus 2. For more information, see Nexus 2.12.1 new features and Nexus 2.12 new features and functions.
Nexus 2.12.1 new features
Nexus 2.12.1 provides the following new features, in addition to those provided in Nexus 2.12.
- CGM2 has been updated to v3.4.5, which includes these improvements:
- Foot position adjustments
- Foot scale updates to not calculate zero values
The Oxford Foot Model has been updated: in cases where the two solutions to the quadratic are on the same side of zero, it takes the one with the largest magnitude.
- The version of ProEclipse that is installed with Nexus has been updated to version 1.4.1.
Nexus 2.12 new features and functions
Nexus 2.12 provided the following new features and enhancements.
Integrated workflow with Theia3D
Location: Communications pane > Theia tab > Theia Batch Interface
Tools pane > Pipeline tab > Data Processing operations > Theia operation
Vicon has partnered with Theia Markerless, Inc, to make available Theia-processed rotation information from video data captured with Vue cameras in Nexus.
Using the new Theia interface, you can process Nexus video data from within Theia3D, without having to launch Theia3D to process the data. You can then run Nexus pipeline operations to merge the video data from Theia3D with Nexus optical motion capture data and process it to produce joint outputs. This enables you to compare data from optical and markerless systems without having to leave Nexus.
From the Nexus Communications pane, you select the Theia tab to access the Theia Batch Interface. From here you can select multiple video files for processing. The files are processed through Theia3D, resulting in the output of C3D file(s) that contain rotation data for each subject. You can then run Nexus pipeline operations to merge the rotations into your Nexus PiG subject and to calculate the joint angles, all without leaving Nexus. The joint kinematics are calculated using Vicon ProCalc, so no additional third-party software (other than Theia3D) is needed.
You can also run Theia processing on one or more video trials, using the supplied Theia pipeline operation.
For more information, see Run Theia processing on video files in the Vicon Nexus User Guide.
Integration with Tobii Pro Glasses 3
Location: System Resources tab > Devices > Add Digital Device > Add Tobii Pro Glasses 3
Previously, Nexus 2.10 and later let you integrate Tobii Pro Glasses 2 into your Vicon system, enabling you to output eye tracker position and gaze direction, with binocular gaze tracking.
In addition to offering integration with Tobii Pro Glasses 2, Nexus 2.12 adds integration with Tobii Pro Glasses 3.
With Nexus 2.12, when you first create a Tobii Pro 3 or Tobii Pro 2 device, a pop-up is displayed.
To continue, select from the displayed options:
- Accept - No further pop-ups are displayed until Nexus is restarted.
- Accept, do not show again - No further pop-ups are displayed until a later version of Nexus is used.
- Cancel - No device is created and the pop-up is displayed again if the you try to create a new Tobii device.
For information about setting up and using Tobii Pro Glasses 3 with Nexus, see Use Tobii Eye Tracker with Nexus in the Vicon Nexus Reference Guide.
Before attempting to connect Tobii Pro Glasses 3, ensure that Bonjour is installed. (Bonjour installation is an option that is selected by default when Nexus is installed.) Also ensure that the Bonjour service is running (Task Manager > Services > Bonjour Service).
Python 3 compatibility
You can now run the Python SDK for Nexus in a Python 3 environment as well as in the current Python 2 environment.
The example scripts that are supplied with Nexus are compatible with Python 2 only.
Updating your scripts
The Nexus API is supplied as a Python package, viconnexusapi. To make your existing scripts compatible, you must update them.
Replace the following import statement and variable definition:
import ViconNexus vicon = ViconNexus.ViconNexus()
with either this updated version:
from viconnexusapi import ViconNexus vicon = ViconNexus.ViconNexus()
or the following one:
import viconnexusapi vicon = viconnexusapi.ViconNexus.ViconNexus()
An advantage of using the new package is that you no longer need to add lines to your scripts to update the sys.path with each new version of Nexus. The Python installed with Nexus will always contain the API version shipped with that version. However, if you install the package into another Python distribution, you are responsible for installing the appropriate version.
Installing the Nexus API into other Python distributions
The build of Python (Python 2) installed within Nexus automatically installs the package as part of Nexus. A script is also available with both the 32- and 64-bit installers, which installs the package into the system Python distribution. You can also directly install the package into any other Python distributions that you have installed.
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Vicon\Nexus2.12\SDK\Win32\Python" # install the api into the system python ./install_vicon_nexus_api.bat # install the api into a specific python distribution <path to user python> -m pip install ./viconnexusapi
The advanced modeling scripts are provided as a package called viconnexusutils and are available in the same way as viconnexusapi, except that these scripts are not automatically installed. This is because they have additional dependencies that cannot be guaranteed to be present and must be downloaded by pip.
Launching the required Python
The shell launched by the python operation is either the Python distribution shipped with Nexus or your default Python (as determined by the PATH variable).
If the Python distribution shipped with Nexus is launched, the API package is automatically available for import, and additional scripts (eg, ViconSetPython32Path.py) are no longer required.
If you choose to use a Python that is different from the installed Nexus distribution, you can use a new advanced option to select the command used to launch Python. The options for this are python.exe or py.exe:
- If you have only a Python 2 or a Python 3 installation in the path, python.exe launches that version of Python.
- If you have both versions and the pylauncher utility, py.exe launches either Python 2 or Python 3, depending on a shebang comment at the start of the launched script.
CGM2 Python version
CGM2 still launches using the version of Python 2 installed with Nexus.
New options for selecting devices for Filter Analog Data - Butterworth pipeline operation
Location: Pipeline Tools pane > Fill Gaps & Filter Data section > Filter Analog Data - Butterworth pipeline operation > Properties pane > Devices list
Two new options for the Filter Analog Data - Butterworth pipeline operation enable you to select force plates or other devices to which the operation is applied.
To select the new options:
- Ensure the data that you want to filter is loaded in Nexus.
- In the Pipeline Tools pane, expand Fill Gaps & Filter Data and select the Filter Analog Data - Butterworth pipeline operation.
- Double-click to add it to the current pipeline and then select Filter Analog Data - Butterworth.
- In the Properties pane, select the required options and in the Devices list, select either Selected, All, Force Plates or Other Devices.
- Force Plates - Applies the filter to force plates that are connected to your system.
- Other Devices - Applies the filter to all other devices (except force plates) that are connected to your system.
- Run theFilter Analog Data - Butterworth pipeline operation on your data.
CGM2 update
Location: Pipeline Tools pane > Data Processing operations
The latest version of CGM2 (version 3.4.3) is installed with Nexus 2.12.
Updates including the following have been added to CGM2:
- Ability to enter thigh rotation
- Scalar model outputs
- Detection of missing markers
In addition, a number of issues have been addressed, including a correction to the head and thorax bones scale and position.
For more information, see What's new in CGM2? in the Vicon Nexus Reference Guide.
Customize floor grid dimensions and offsets
Location: Window menu > Floor Grid > Properties pane > Dimensions section
You can now use non-square layouts and offset the center of floor grids.
- A new maximum of 50 m now applies to both the x and y axes.
- You can save customized floor grids for future use.
- Old saved options files will load correctly and transfer their settings to the new parameters.
To change the floor grid:
- In the Options dialog box (click Window > Options, or press F7), select Floor Grid and in the Properties pane on the right, click Show Advanced.
- In the Dimensions section, change the grid size and/offset in X and Y as required.
This functionality is available only in Nexus 2.12 and later. Earlier versions of Nexus 2 do not read the new files correctly and the floor grid returns to the default size.
If you make the floor grid so large or extend the offsets so far that the grid doesn't render at the far end, you can increase the viewable depth.
To increase the viewable depth:
- In the Options dialog box (click Window > Options, or press F7), click General View Options.
- In the Properties pane on the right, click Show Advanced.
- Under 3D View Options, change the Viewable Depth Radius value (default is 20000 mm).
Support for Blue Trident Firmware 10 (and Firmware 9)
Blue Trident Firmware 10 provides support for the new 8 GB memory chip and for the current 4 GB memory chip. New features have been introduced for IMU Step and Capture.U and a number of issues have also been addressed.
Nexus 2.12 supports both Blue Trident sensors running Firmware 9 and sensors running Firmware 10.
If you use Blue Trident sensors for Nexus only, you don't need to upgrade to Firmware 10 (Blue Trident sensors with the 8 GB memory chip use Firmware 10 as supplied).