What's new in Vicon Nexus 2.16?

What's new in Vicon Nexus 2.16?

About Vicon Nexus 2.16

Vicon Nexus 2.16 is a point release that provides features and enhancements in addition to those that were included in earlier releases of Nexus 2. For more information, see Nexus 2.16 new features and changes.

This release also benefits from ongoing maintenance and includes a number of Addressed issues.

For workarounds for remaining issues, see Known issues.

Nexus is 64-bit only

Nexus is 64-bit only. In most cases, you should upgrade to the latest version of Nexus to benefit from the latest functionality. Before you upgrade from a 32-bit version of Nexus, note the following points:

VDDs (Vicon digital device files)

  • 64-bit VDDs When you install the plug-in for your device, ensure that the 64-bit version of the VDD is correctly installed to the folder:
  • 32-bit VDDs If you use a VDD (Vicon digital device file) that does not have a 64-bit version, continue to use Nexus 2.12.# until the vendor of your VDD releases a 64-bit version of the VDD. For information about the availability of the 64-bit version of the VDD, please contact the vendor.

OpenGL solution for non-NVIDIA graphics processors

The OpenGL download for non-NVIDIA graphics processors offered a potential workaround for Nexus 2.13–2.15. However, in Nexus 2.16, it causes adverse performance and display issues and may cause Nexus to stop responding.

For information on graphics cards that are supported for Nexus 2.16, see Graphics processors for Nexus.

Update to ProEclipse

Nexus 2.14 and later provided an updated version of ProEclipse so that the path to Vicon Polygon now uses the Program Files (x86) folder when called from a 64-bit application.

Nexus 2.16 new features and changes

Nexus 2.16 provides the following new features and improvements:

Support for Valkyrie VK8 cameras

The latest release of Nexus includes support for Valkyrie VK8 cameras, so this release is compatible with these variants of the Valkyrie camera:

  • Valkyrie VK26, with a resolution of up to 26.2 megapixels (5120 x 5120) and full frame rate capture speed of 150 fps
  • Valkyrie VK16, with a resolution of up to 16.1 megapixels (5120 x 3152) and full frame rate capture speed of 240 fps
  • Valkyrie VK8, with a resolution of up to 8.0 megapixels (3712 x 2176) and full frame rate capture speed of 500 fps

Nexus Insight integration

Nexus Insight is our new, robust, flexible and intuitive reporting tool for life sciences applications.

When Nexus Insight is installed, you can start it from within Nexus or as a standalone app.

To access Nexus Insight from Data Management, ensure you are using Nexus 2.16 with ProEclipse 1.5.

  • In Nexus, go to the Data Management tab and at the top right of the window, click the Nexus Insight button.

    Nexus Insight starts, using the folder that is currently selected in Nexus.


  • On your Windows desktop, double-click the Nexus Insight shortcut:

To find out how to use Nexus Insight, see the Nexus Insight documentation.

Use of Vicon Polygon and Nexus Insight
If Nexus Insight is installed, you can continue to open and work with Polygon reports but you cannot generate new Polygon reports in Data Management.

MP4 support

Nexus 2.16 supports native MP4 files and MP4 is now the default video format. This affects the following areas:

Transcoding video files

In Nexus 2.16, the default video transcoding uses H264 compression in MP4 containers. You still have the option to transcode using the same AVI outputs that Nexus 2.15 currently supports.

The option of choosing either MP4 or AVI formats is available in all the places that support the creation of video files, for example, in the Transcode panel and the Transcode Video for Trial pipeline operation.

For information on viewing compressed video, see Viewing video data.

Viewing video data

Nexus 2.16 now loads video files that are associated with a trial in both MP4 and AVI formats. MP4 files must have been created in Nexus, and AVI support helps maintain backward compatibility with videos created in earlier versions of Nexus.

In the case of a trial that has multiple video files for the same camera, the most recent file is loaded, with MP4 taking precedence over AVI video files. In addition, video files with timestamps also take precedence over video files without timestamps.

Nexus 2.16 also supports the loading of trials which contain multiple video cameras that have a mixture of native MP4 and AVI formats.

You cannot load MP4 files into Nexus if they were created outside of Nexus.

Other pipeline operations that support H.264 MP4

In addition to the pipeline operation for transcoding video, described in Transcoding video files, the following pipeline operations also support the H.264 MP4 format:

  • Apply Codec to Video

    For more information about using video data with Nexus, see Work with digital video files in the Vicon Nexus User Guide.

  • Export 3D Overlay Video

    Nexus 2.16 also provides an enhancement for this operation – an additional Cameras field – enabling you to choose the camera(s) from which to export video.

  • Export Workspace to Video (available from the Export Workspace to Video button at the top left of the view pane )

For more information about using video data with Nexus, see Work with digital video files in the Vicon Nexus User Guide.

Video transfer list recovery

New in Nexus 2.16, the video transfer list recovery feature ensures that the video transfer process remains robust to intentional actions (ie, moving your video data to a different location from where it was originally saved) or accidents (ie, the transfer list being erased or becoming corrupted).

To recover your video transfer list:

  1. Display the advanced options (click Show Advanced).
  2. To populate any raw (VVID) files on the capture drives into the transcode list, click Rebuild Transcode List.

    Nexus scans the active folder and looks for VVID files that are still located in their original capture paths.

    Trials that are found with untransferred video files are added to the transcode list.

For more information about using video data with Nexus, see Work with digital video files in the Vicon Nexus User Guide.

Improvements to using IMUs with Nexus

In Nexus 2.16, updates to the IMeasureU panel make it easier to select and transfer your data. Additional or enhanced features have been added in these areas:

IMU sensor data download improvements

Two significant changes help you manage the data that is populated within your transfer list in the IMeasureU tab:

  • You can now update the information displayed in the transfer list on the IMeasureU tab to remove any data that may have been erased from an IMU sensor using either Capture.U Desktop or IMeasureU Step.
  • You can also restore accidentally deleted or corrupted transfer lists so that you can download the data from the sensor and associate it with the correct trial.

To remove erased trials from the IMeasureU tab:

  1. With the IMU from which you have erased data (using Capture.U Desktop or Step) connected to the PC, open Nexus.
  2. In the Communications panel, select the IMeasureU tab and click Show Advanced.
    The Sync trials with sensor button is displayed.

  3. On the IMeasureU tab, select the IMU sensor.
    Erased trials are displayed in red.

  4. Click Sync trials with sensor.
    You are prompted to confirm that you want to continue to remove the erased trials from the list.

  5. Click Yes to continue.
    In the Trial list on the IMeasureU tab, the red (erased) trials are no longer displayed.

To restore missing information to a sensor:

  1. Plug in the sensors that have data on them that is deleted or corrupted and that you want to restore.
  2. In the Communications panel, select the IMeasureU tab and click Show Advanced.
  3. In the Trial list, select the required sensor(s).
  4. Click Rebuild Transfer List.

  5. In the Rebuild Transfer List dialog, click in the Folder to process box, enter or browse to the folder to process and if required select Look in child folders to process all of its subfolders.

    Note that the folder you select does not have to contain the trials, for example, the folder can be the parent of multiple session folders. In this case, you would select Look in child folders.

  6. Click Continue.
    The trial-specific data is copied and you can now download the restored information from the sensor.

IMU transfer list improvements to filtering and selection

To enable you to select data of interest more quickly than in previous versions of Nexus, the transfer list on the IMeasureU tab now provides options to filter the list of trials that is displayed.

Note that:

  • If you have filtered an item from the list, it is automatically de-selected. This is to prevent accidental transfer of items that are not displayed in the list.
  • Select All and Select None operate on all items that are visible in the list: an item must be visible in the list for its selection status to be updated.
  • The top level sensor item is never filtered out of the list.
  • The filtering is dynamic and the list refreshes when:
    • Sensors are connected or disconnected
    • Trials are captured
    • Sensors are erased

Windows 11 support

Nexus 2.16 includes the same level of support for Windows 11 as is included for Windows 10 (64-bit), so it's fully supported and tested under this latest version of the Windows operating system.

Updated versions of related software

Nexus 2.16 provides the following updates to related software that is installed with Nexus by default:

  • An update to ProEclipse: the version provided with Nexus 2.16 is ProEclipse 1.5.
  • Vicon ProCalc is updated to 1.6.1.
  • Vicon Product Licensing is now at 1.6.

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