Work with digital video files

Work with digital video files

If you are using reference video cameras (for example, Vicon Vue cameras or FLIR cameras), data from these cameras is captured simultaneously with optical motion data from the Vicon optical cameras.

As video files are large and can take a lot of time to process, to save time and space on the hard drive, you normally set up the video cameras to save captured video data to separate, dedicated drives on the host PC, as .vvid files. (For information on video camera setup, see Configure video cameras for digital video capture, the FLIR Video Cameras Setup Guide or the Vicon Vue Quick Start Guide, and the Vicon Systems Setup Guide). Note that you cannot view the video in Nexus until the files are transcoded.

To view the video files, after you have captured and processed your trials, at a suitable pause in the workflow, you transfer the video files to the host PC, simultaneously transcoding the files to a format that is viewable in Nexus.

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