Requirements and upgrading
For information about requirements and systems supported for this version of Nexus, see:
The Vicon motion capture system and the Nexus software, manufactured by Vicon Motion Systems Limited, have been tested prior to shipment and meet the metrological requirements as detailed in the Regulatory information on the Vicon website.
Requirements for Nexus 2.16
Note the following requirements for Nexus 2.16.
For information on graphics cards, see Graphics processors for Nexus.
For information on optimizing performance for AMD CPUs, see Improving system performance on AMD CPUs.
Operating system for Nexus 2.16
Nexus 2.16 is supported under the following operating system:
- Microsoft Windows 11: Compatible with and fully supported. Installation, software operation and required third-party drivers tested.
- Microsoft Windows 10, 64-bit: Compatible with and fully supported. Installation, software operation and required third-party drivers tested.
Although Nexus may install and function under other Microsoft Windows operating systems, Vicon does not support or recommend this.
Basler video cameras and Nexus 2.16
Nexus 2.16 does not support the use of Basler video cameras. To use Basler video cameras with Nexus, use Nexus 2.12.1 or earlier.
MATLAB and Nexus 2.16
If you are planning to use MATLAB with Nexus 2.16, ensure that, in addition to installing MATLAB, you install the .Net Framework version 4.5 or later.
ProCalc and Nexus 2.16
To run ProCalc with Vicon Nexus 2.16, you must install ProCalc 1.2.1 or later.
To generate joint information (ProCalc angles) from combined Nexus-Theia trial data, you must install ProCalc 1.5 or later.
To generate both joint information and kinetics from combined Nexus-Theia trial data, you must install ProCalc 1.6 or later.
To use Nexus 2.16 with Nexus Insight, you must install ProCalc 1.6.1 or later.
Vicon IMUs and Nexus 2.16
To update IMU firmware for Nexus 2.16, use Vicon Capture.U Desktop. For information, see the Vicon Capture.U User Guide.
Systems supported for Nexus 2
Before you install Vicon Nexus 2.16, note that Nexus captures data only from Vicon systems (including Vicon Valkyrie, Vicon Vero, Vicon Viper, and Vicon Vantage).
- Although you can use T-Series cameras with Nexus 2.16, this is not supported or tested.
- If you add Valkyrie cameras to a system that includes T-Series cameras, the T-Series cameras will not work.
- FLIR cameras are not compatible with T-Series cameras.
For information on using MX T-Series cameras with Nexus, see the documentation for versions of Nexus earlier than 2.16.
Upgrading Nexus
This section describes functionality that is dependent upon the version of Vicon Nexus that is being upgraded:
- Upgrading from Nexus 2.7 and earlier
- Upgrading from earlier versions of Nexus 2
- Upgrading from Nexus 1.x
Although data collected in Nexus 2.16 (ie, .c3d files) can be viewed in earlier releases of Nexus, you cannot reprocess this data (ie, .x2d with .xcp files) in releases earlier than 2.7.
Upgrading from Nexus 2.7 and earlier
Improvements to camera calibration that were provided by Nexus 2.7 have the following effects on compatibility of data between releases:
- Data collected in earlier releases of Nexus can be reprocessed in Nexus 2.16 because calibration (.xcp) files that were created in earlier releases are fully compatible with Nexus 2.16. Note that if you load a calibration (.xcp) file that was created in an earlier release of Nexus into Nexus 2.16 and save it, Nexus maintains its compatibility with earlier releases.
- You can use earlier releases of Nexus to view data that was collected in Nexus 2.16 (that is, you can open Nexus 2.16 .c3d files in Nexus 2.7 and earlier).
- However, calibration (.xcp) files that are created in Nexus 2.16 are not backward-compatible, that is, they cannot be read by releases of Nexus earlier than 2.7, and loading will fail if attempted.
Upgrading from earlier versions of Nexus 2
If you are upgrading from a previous version of Nexus 2, during installation a dialog box gives you the option of adding the Auto Intelligent Gap Fill button and/or the Add to Quick Report button to your Nexus toolbar. For more information on these features, see Automatically fill gaps in trial data in the Vicon Nexus User Guide and Quick Reports in the Vicon Nexus Reference Guide. To add the additional button(s) to your toolbar, click Upgrade Files.
On first launch, Nexus 2.16 scans the installation directories of earlier versions of Nexus 2 and offers to automatically transfer custom objects that it finds.
If you click Import Files, Nexus 2.16 copies custom calibration objects from earlier versions of Nexus (2.0 and later) to the Public Documents folder (eg, C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Nexus2.x\CalibrationObjects).
When you create new custom calibration objects, ensure you save them into this folder (not to the Nexus installation folder), so that they are available to future versions of Nexus.
Upgrading from Nexus 1.x
This section applies only to versions of Nexus that are earlier than 2.0.
Nexus 2.16 installs into its own folder, called Nexus2.16. If you already have Nexus 1.x installed, it will remain installed alongside the new Nexus installation.
On installation, Nexus 2.16 automatically scans for Nexus 1.x files, displays a list of any older files that it finds, and provides an automated system for importing these into Nexus 2.16.
This process copies all the old files and converts the copies, ensuring that original files are not moved, altered, or destroyed.
For more information on the installation and licensing process, see Installing and licensing Vicon Nexus.
Regulatory information
For regulatory documentation relating to Vicon Nexus and your Vicon hardware, see Regulatory information.
Important: None of the certification relating to Valkyrie is for medical usage and no fitness for medical usage is implied.