Vicon Nexus regulatory information
Vicon Nexus regulatory information
For regulatory information relating to Vicon Nexus and your Vicon hardware, and to download PDFs of Vicon certification, visit the Vicon regulatory information pages.
Blue Trident sensors
Blue Thunder sensors
- Vicon IMUs are supported for use with Nexus for research purposes only. For full sensor safety and regulatory details, see the Vicon Blue Trident Model V2 Safety and Regulatory Information.
Blue Trident sensors
- Windows 10 and later only is supported. Ensure the latest Windows 10 updates are installed.
- The firmware for Blue Trident sensors that are to be used with Nexus 2.10 or later must be updated to version 9.0.2 or later, using Capture.U Desktop 1.1 or later, which is available from the Capture.U page on the Vicon website.
- Second-generation Blue Trident sensors are supplied with Firmware 10 – do not downgrade their firmware. If you have first-generation Blue Trident sensors, you can safely downgrade their firmware, if necessary. However, as Capture.U 1.3.1 Desktop is not compatible with firmware earlier than 10.#, if you downgrade the firmware from version 10, you must uninstall Capture.U 1.3.1 and use an earlier version of Capture.U.
Blue Thunder sensors
- Blue Thunder IMU sensors are not supported in Nexus 2.10 or later. If you want to capture Blue Thunder data, use Nexus 2.9.x.
- You can load existing processed trials with Blue Thunder data into Nexus 2.10 or later and view the captured IMU data.
- The IMeasureU plug-in is not available in Nexus 2.10 or later.
Global Unique Device Identification Database https://accessgudid.nlm.nih.gov/
Vicon Vantage systems: B548VICONVANTAGESYSTEM0
Vicon Vero systems: B548VICONVEROSYSTEM0
Vicon MX T-Series systems: B548VICONTSERIESSYSTEM0
Vicon Bonita systems: B548BONITASYSTEM0
, multiple selections available,
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