What's new in CGM2?

What's new in CGM2?

In addition to the updates listed below, the following update was made with Nexus 2.12.1:

  • CGM2 version updated to v3.4.5
    • Foot position adjustments
    • Foot scale updates to not calculate zero values

Dr Fabien Leboeuf (University of Salford) made the following updates to the Conventional Gait Model 2 (CGM2) that is included with Nexus.

  • Ability to enter thigh rotation offset values that are read and applied to the model outputs.
  • Ability to run CGM2 after running the Oxford Foot Model pipeline in Nexus.
  • Ability to run CGM2 when scalar model outputs and other data are present.
  • Corrected the head and thorax bones for scale and position, so that the upper body skeleton is scaled correctly in Vicon Polygon 4.x.
  • Fixed chord function if the inputs include zeros (that is, gaps).
  • Fixed an issue where no force plate was detected.
  • Improved detection of missing markers and consequent adaptation of the CGM2 model. For example, if you're using a full body CGM2 marker set and during the walking trial an upper limb marker is missing, CGM2 automatically switches to a lower limb model and reports those model outputs (previously, you would have had no outputs).
  • Removal of OpenMA (open source movement analysis library).
  • Fixed an issue with moGap fill app when two subjects are detected.
  • The data is checked for gaps, incorrect gait event sequences and swapped markers.
  • Processing of data from foot strike gait events only.
  • Development of a correction method for the thigh coordinate system, using Naaim et al.(2019) Correcting lower limb segment axis misalignment in gait analysis: A simple geometrical method.Gait & Posture, 72, 34-39. DOI: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2019.05.013.
  • Fixed an issue with EMG processing.
  • Use of JSON file as a normative dataset.
  • Fixed an issue with marker low-pass filtering.
  • Events fixed in the btkAcquisition.

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