Prepare a subject

Prepare a subject

After you have configured and calibrated your Vicon system, and prepared a data management hierarchy in which to store your data, you can prepare the subject whose motion is to be captured.

To start with, you may find it easiest to use the standard Plug-in Gait marker set and in Vicon Nexus, create a subject that is based on one of the Vicon-supplied labeling skeleton templates (VSTs), as described in the following topics. If you are planning on processing your captured data with Plug-in Gait, then you must use one of the supplied Plug-in Gait VST files. For more information, see Modeling with Plug-in Gait.

Later, if required, you may want to create your own custom labeling skeleton template. The labeling skeleton template that you use is determined by your particular application and your marker set. For information on how to create a custom labeling skeleton template, see Creating labeling skeleton templates (VSTs) .

Having chosen your marker set, you can prepare the subject data in Nexus. To do this, you use the Subjects Resources pane and the Subject Preparation Tools pane to create a new subject from a template and to calibrate the labeling skeleton. These and other procedures that you may find useful while creating and calibrating your labeling skeleton are described in the following topics:

If you have problems calibrating your labeling skeleton, also see Troubleshooting labeling skeleton templates in Creating labeling skeleton templates (VSTs).

A Nexus .vst file is used only to define the marker set and to enable Nexus to perform automatic labeling. It is not a biomechanical model that will output valid joint angles or other kinematic/kinetic variables. To derive valid kinematics or kinetics, use either a predefined model (such as Vicon Plug-in Gait, as described in this documentation) or create your own model with Vicon BodyBuilder, MATLAB or Python.

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