Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Table of Contents

Scroll pagebreak


Timescale displayed in timeline

TaskKeys and mouse
Slide timeline leftMiddle-click + drag left
Slide timeline rightMiddle-click + drag right
Select range of frames to zoomALT and right-click + drag across frames
Zoom scale inRight-click and drag right or up
Zoom scale outRight-click and drag left or down

Scroll pagebreak


Time bar data displayed in view pane

TaskKeys and mouse
Start/Stop data playbackMiddle-click
Jog forward/backward through data playbackRotate mouse wheel forward/backward
Move Current Time Cursor to specific frameClick frame in the timeline
Move Start Range Frame Cursor back to zero frame of trialClick cursor
Move End Range Frame Cursor back to last frame of trialClick cursor
Go to the previous frameLEFT ARROW
Go to the next frameRIGHT ARROW
Go to the first frameHOME
Go to the last frameEND
Go forward 10 framesPAGE UP
Go backward 10 framesPAGE DOWN
Go to frame <number>CTRL+G
Set Region of InterestCTRL+D

Scroll pagebreak


Event identification mode in timeline

Enter/exit event identification mode (where the time cursor follows the mouse)CTRL+E
Go to the previous eventCTRL+LEFT ARROW
Go to the next eventCTRL+RIGHT ARROW
Lock/unlock event context (In event identification mode, select desired Left, Right, or General event context on timeline; subsequently moving the mouse forward or backward does not change context.)UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW
Display context menu (after event context locked)ENTER
Highlight command from context menuUP ARROW or DOWN ARROW
Select highlighted command from context menuENTER
Move event to next frameALT+RIGHT ARROW
Move event to previous frameALT+LEFT ARROW
