Anchor |
| RunTheiaAllTrials |
| RunTheiaAllTrials |
Run Theia processing on all trials in a specified folder
From the Nexus Communications pane, you can select the Theia tab to access the Theia Batch Interface. From here you can select the required video files and process them. The files are processed through Theia3D, resulting in the output of C3D file(s) that contain rotation data for each subject.
You can now merge this rotation data, which will be used to calculate the joint information, back into the original Nexus trial (see Combine processed Theia data with a Nexus trial).
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| RunTheiaSelectedTrials |
| RunTheiaSelectedTrials |
Run Theia processing on one or more selected video trials
You can use the supplied pipeline operation to run Theia processing on a single video trial, or multiple trials marked in Data Management, resulting in the output of C3D file(s) that contain rotation data for each subject.
You can now merge this rotation data, which will be used to calculate the joint information, back into the original Nexus trial (see Combine processed Theia data with a Nexus trial).
Anchor |
| CombineTheiaNexus |
| CombineTheiaNexus |
Combine processed Theia data with a Nexus trial
When you have run Theia processing on your trial data, you can run a pipeline operation that merges the rotation data with your Nexus trial.
After you have finished merging the rotations into your Nexus trial data, you can use Nexus to calculate the joint information (see Calculate joint angles).
Anchor |
| CalculateJointAngles |
| CalculateJointAngles |
Calculate joint angles
The Run Theia ProCalc Scheme pipeline operation enables you to generate joint information (ProCalc angles) from combined Nexus-Theia trial data.