Use the createReconstructorScript to output a Shogun Post script which saves out the current reconstruction options. The options that are currently set at the time of running the script are saved.
When the output script is executed, the reconstruction options returns to these values.
The output script can be written to a file, or written to the Script Editor. If the command is run with no arguments then the script file will be written to the default path (typically C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\ShogunPost#.#).
Functional area
Data editing
Command syntax
createReconstructorScript [-file string] [-interface] |
Name | Flag arguments | Argument type | Exclusive to | Comments |
file | 1 | string | — | Writes the script to the given file path. |
interface | 0 | — | — | Writes the created script in the Script Editor panel. |
Return value
// This command creates a script that saves out
// the current reconstruction settings as an output script
createReconstructorScript –file "c:/reconSettings.hsl";