Use to read a floating point value from a file. Command will fail if at the end of the file.
The following is a listing of the different cast types.
Note that data can be lost when casting. 'Signed' means the value can be negative. 'Unsigned' means value will always be positive.
Cast | Description |
c | Reads a signed character, or signed 8-bit (1 byte) value, and converts it to a float |
uc | Reads an unsigned character, or unsigned 8-bit (1 byte) value, and converts it to a float |
s | Reads a signed short integer, or signed 16-bit (2 bytes) value, and converts it to a float |
us | Reads an unsigned short integer, or unsigned 16-bit (2 bytes) value, and converts it to a float |
i | Reads a signed integer, or signed 32-bit (4 bytes) value, and converts it to a float |
ui | Reads an unsigned integer, or unsigned 32-bit (4 bytes) value, and converts it to a float |
f | Reads a floating point value, a 32-bit (4 byte) value, and converts it to a float |
Functional area
Disk I/O
Command syntax
readFloat fileID [-cast string] |
Name | Type | Required | Comments |
fileID | int | ID of file previously opened with fileOpen |
Name | Flag arguments | Argument type | Exclusive to | Comments |
cast | 1 | string | — | Data type to cast from. Possible types are listed above. Note that data can be lost when casting. |
Return value
//Read example float $val; int $fileID; int $fileID = `fileOpen "C:/FileTesting.txt" "r"`; // Read the boolean value $val = `readFloat $fileID`; fileClose $fileID; //make sure to close the file // Display the value print $val;