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Gets the selected items in a list view user control

This command returns an array of the indices of the selected items in a list view user control. The indices are zero-based. The indices are returned in the order that the items were selected in, meaning that they may not be in ascending order.

If the list view was created using the -singleSel flag, the command will return an array of size 1.

Functional area

User Window

Command syntax


getListViewSelItems userControlID


userControlIDintegeryesThe ID of the list view to operate on



Return value

integer array

Returns an array of the indices of the selected items in the list view


// Demonstrate usage of a List View User Control
int $windowID, $listViewID, $formID;

// Destroy window if it already exists
if( `windowExists "ListViewTesting"` == true )
destroyWindow "ListViewTesting";

// Create window and list view and position them
$windowID = `createWindow "ListViewTesting"`;
$formID = `getTopLevelForm $windowID`;
$listViewID = `createListView $windowID -form $formID -checkBoxes`;

setControlAnchor $listViewID "left" "left" 3;
setControlAnchor $listViewID "top" "top" 3;
setControlAnchor $listViewID "right" "right" 3;
setControlAnchor $listViewID "bottom" "bottom" 3;

// Create the columns
string $columns[3];
int $widths[3];
$columns[0] = "Name";
$columns[1] = "Age";
$columns[2] = "Gender";
$widths[0] = 150;
$widths[1] = 50;
$widths[2] = 100;
setListViewColumns $listViewID $columns $widths;

// Add some items to the list view. The text we supply is for the first
// column.
// We supply text for subsequent columns using setListViewItemText
addListViewItem $listViewID "Bob";
addListViewItem $listViewID "Mary";
addListViewItem $listViewID "Jim";
addListViewItem $listViewID "Ann";

// Set additional details
setListViewItemText $listViewID 0 1 "50";
setListViewItemText $listViewID 0 2 "Male";
setListViewItemText $listViewID 1 1 "32";
setListViewItemText $listViewID 1 2 "Female";
setListViewItemText $listViewID 2 1 "21";
setListViewItemText $listViewID 2 2 "Male";
setListViewItemText $listViewID 3 1 "44";
setListViewItemText $listViewID 3 2 "Female";

// Set the check box to true for the males.
setListViewItemCheck $listViewID 0 true;
setListViewItemCheck $listViewID 2 true;

// Change Bob's name
setListViewItemText $listViewID 0 0 "Ken";

// Select Mary and Jim
selectListViewItem $listViewID 2 true;
selectListViewItem $listViewID 1 true;

// Print out some of what we just did
print( `getListViewSelItems $listViewID` );
print( `getListViewItemText $listViewID 1 2` );
print( `getListViewItemCheck $listViewID 1` );
print( `getListViewItemCheck $listViewID 0` );
layoutForm $formID;

Additional information

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