Gets the selected items in a list view user control
This command returns an array of the indices of the selected items in a list view user control. The indices are zero-based. The indices are returned in the order that the items were selected in, meaning that they may not be in ascending order.
If the list view was created using the -singleSel
flag, the command will return an array of size 1.
Functional area
User Window
Command syntax
getListViewSelItems userControlID |
Name | Type | Required | Comments |
userControlID | integer | yes | The ID of the list view to operate on |
Return value
integer array
Returns an array of the indices of the selected items in the list view
// Demonstrate usage of a List View User Control
int $windowID, $listViewID, $formID;
// Destroy window if it already exists
if( `windowExists "ListViewTesting"` == true )
destroyWindow "ListViewTesting";
// Create window and list view and position them
$windowID = `createWindow "ListViewTesting"`;
$formID = `getTopLevelForm $windowID`;
$listViewID = `createListView $windowID -form $formID -checkBoxes`;
setControlAnchor $listViewID "left" "left" 3;
setControlAnchor $listViewID "top" "top" 3;
setControlAnchor $listViewID "right" "right" 3;
setControlAnchor $listViewID "bottom" "bottom" 3;
// Create the columns
string $columns[3];
int $widths[3];
$columns[0] = "Name";
$columns[1] = "Age";
$columns[2] = "Gender";
$widths[0] = 150;
$widths[1] = 50;
$widths[2] = 100;
setListViewColumns $listViewID $columns $widths;
// Add some items to the list view. The text we supply is for the first
// column.
// We supply text for subsequent columns using setListViewItemText
addListViewItem $listViewID "Bob";
addListViewItem $listViewID "Mary";
addListViewItem $listViewID "Jim";
addListViewItem $listViewID "Ann";
// Set additional details
setListViewItemText $listViewID 0 1 "50";
setListViewItemText $listViewID 0 2 "Male";
setListViewItemText $listViewID 1 1 "32";
setListViewItemText $listViewID 1 2 "Female";
setListViewItemText $listViewID 2 1 "21";
setListViewItemText $listViewID 2 2 "Male";
setListViewItemText $listViewID 3 1 "44";
setListViewItemText $listViewID 3 2 "Female";
// Set the check box to true for the males.
setListViewItemCheck $listViewID 0 true;
setListViewItemCheck $listViewID 2 true;
// Change Bob's name
setListViewItemText $listViewID 0 0 "Ken";
// Select Mary and Jim
selectListViewItem $listViewID 2 true;
selectListViewItem $listViewID 1 true;
// Print out some of what we just did
print( `getListViewSelItems $listViewID` );
print( `getListViewItemText $listViewID 1 2` );
print( `getListViewItemCheck $listViewID 1` );
print( `getListViewItemCheck $listViewID 0` );
layoutForm $formID;
Additional information
Related commands
- addListViewItem
- createListView
- deleteAllListViewItems
- getListViewItemCheck
- getListViewItemText
- getNumListViewItems
- selectListViewItem
- setListViewColumns
- setListViewHandler
- setListViewItemCheck
- setListViewItemText