This pages describes the new features in this release of Shogun

Shogun Live 1.9 new features

Compatibility with Vicon Valkyrie cameras

The latest version of Shogun is compatible with Vicon's new Vicon Valkyrie cameras, enabling you to benefit from their speed, resolution and power.

Shogun 1.9 is compatible with the following Valkyrie camera models:

Vicon Valkyrie cameras are fitted with:

You can now use the new Video Preview Mode to assist with volume setup and check space coverage (see Use Video Preview Mode for camera setup).

To connect Valkyrie cameras to the host PC, Vicon offers a range of options, depending on the number of cameras you want to use and whether you are adding them to an existing Vicon system. To determine the most appropriate topology for your system, see the Valkyrie system diagrams and contact your local Vicon Sales representative.

For synchronization to third-party devices and timecode, together with connections for analog devices, you can add a Vicon Lock Lab to your Valkyrie system.

Vicon Valkyrie cameras can be used in the same system as Vicon Vantage, Vero, Viper and Bonita cameras, but if you add Valkyrie cameras to a system that includes T-Series cameras, the T-Series cameras will not work.
Also note that using T-Series cameras with Shogun 1.9 is not supported or tested. Use of T-Series cameras with Shogun 1.9 and later is at your own risk. For information on using these cameras, see the documentation for versions of Shogun earlier than 1.9.

In addition to working with the latest version of Vicon Shogun, Vicon Valkyrie cameras can also be used with the Vicon Control app.

Caution: To maintain IP65 protection for your Vicon Valkyrie cameras, ensure that if you remove IP65 cable caps (and/or lens covers), you replace them correctly, as described in Remove and replace IP65 cable cap and Set camera focus and aperture, steps 2 and 9) in the Vicon Valkyrie Quick Start Guide.

For information on setting up Vicon Valkyrie systems, see the Vicon Valkyrie documentation.

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Valkyrie status lights and TFT LCD display

To help you monitor the status of Vicon Valkyrie cameras, the cameras include status lights and a TFT LCD (thin film transistor liquid crystal display):

Under normal conditions (unless a connected application changes the display, and unless the display has been disabled in Shogun), the display changes to reflect the camera status.

To change the display of Vicon Valkyrie camera status information:

  1. In the System panel, go to the Vicon Cameras list and select a camera (or all cameras).
  2. In the Display section of the camera properties, select or clear Enable Status Lights and/or Enable Display.

    With Enable Status Lights and Enable Display selected, while the camera is booting, the display shows the Valkyrie logo and the status LED color changes from gold to blue when it connects to Shogun.

The display changes to reflect the camera's status, giving information about camera status, for example when the camera has finished booting, whether it is currently active, and its calibration status.

When Enable Display is cleared, the display is blank.

The image on the display rotates based on the orientation of the camera.

After the camera has booted, you can check the cameras' status by observing the status lights (LEDs) and the display on each camera. You can also monitor the camera status in Shogun.

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Valkyrie Tap to Select feature

Vicon Valkyrie cameras provide a Tap to Select feature, which enables you to lightly tap the camera in the volume to select it (and deselect the other cameras). Enable Tap to Select is on by default.

To turn Tap to Select off or on:

If you tap a calibrated camera too hard, the camera may be reported as 'bumped' (that is, it is displayed with an additional red icon in the Vicon Cameras list and the status lights on the affected Valkyrie camera flash blue).

If this is a frequent occurrence, you can change its sensitivity to being tapped by reducing the Bump Sensitivity.

For information on removing a camera's bumped status and changing Bump Sensitivity, see Valkyrie bump detection and display.

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Valkyrie bump detection and display

In addition to the Tap to Select feature (see above), Vicon Valkyrie cameras also provide bump detection.

Bump detection works on calibrated cameras to alert you when they have moved from their calibrated positions. If a calibrated camera is accidentally knocked, the camera's icon changes to red in the Vicon Cameras list and the status lights on the affected Valkyrie camera flash blue.

To change the sensitivity of the accelerometer:

  1. In the Vicon Cameras list, select the required camera.
  2. In the camera's properties, go to the Accelerometer section and select a different option in the Bump Sensitivity menu.

For information on what action (if any) you need to take to remedy a bumped camera, see Fix bumped cameras in Getting started with Vicon Shogun.

Note the following limitations of Valkyrie bump detection:

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Valkyrie temperature sensor display

Significant changes in camera temperature can have small effects on the camera's lens. Camera calibrations take into account lens intrinsics. Changes in these intrinsic properties can have small impacts on overall data quality. However, note that large temperature changes generally result in only very small data effects. Temperature monitoring is made available to optimize calibration-to-collection consistency.

Vicon Valkyrie cameras have onboard temperature sensors. These onboard temperature sensors enable you to determine when cameras have reached a stable temperature from a cold start and to observe any change in camera temperature (possibly associated with environmental changes).

The data for the onboard sensors is displayed in the Temperature section. A numeric indicator (in degrees Celsius) is displayed for each of the sensors.

For information on how to set up your Valkyrie system, see the Vicon Valkyrie documentation.

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Use Video Preview Mode for camera setup

When setting up Valkyrie cameras with Shogun, you can select Video Preview Mode to assist with volume setup and check space coverage.

Video Preview Mode displays a video image from the optical sensor of Valkyrie cameras. All other camera views and parameters are inactive.

Video Preview mode is for system setup purposes only. You cannot use Video Preview mode when you are calibrating, auto masking, capturing, or reviewing data.

To use Video Preview mode:

  1. In the Workspace, select the Cameras view.
  2. In the System panel, in the Vicon Cameras list, right-click a camera and select Video Preview Mode > Video Preview Mode.

    The camera view changes to Video Preview mode and the camera begins shipping video data. Video Preview Active is displayed in the menu bar:

    If you selected multiple cameras, only the last camera in the selection displays a preview.

  3. To turn off Video Preview mode:

If the preview image is dark:

All supported cameras can use Video Preview mode but their performance is dependent on frame rate:

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Shogun Post 1.9 new features

Shogun Post 1.9 adds support for Valkyrie cameras.

Compatibility with Vicon Valkyrie cameras

The following Valkyrie cameras are supported in Shogun Post 1.9:

For information on how to set up your Valkyrie system, see the Vicon Valkyrie documentation.

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Change to app for firmware management

You now manage firmware using the Vicon Firmware Manager. For information, see the Vicon Firmware Update Utility Quick Start Guide.

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