Analog ADC sockets and pin allocation

Analog ADC sockets and pin allocation

To connect supported third-party analog devices into a Vicon system via a Vicon Lock Lab unit, you use the supplied Weidmüller connectors. For instructions on using the connectors, see Connect analog devices to a Vicon Lock unit.

As shown in the following image, in a Lock Lab, the 64 channels of analog signal capture are made up from eight separate connectors.


Each connector can be portioned to connect to individual force plates. Each connector contains 16 individual connections, eight signal and their eight respective grounds:


Note that the pins are assigned as follows:
  • Pins 1–8 (top row): Ground
  • Pins 9–16 (bottom row): Signal inputs

In this diagram, the bottom of the image represents the wire side of the connector.
For each socket, the duplicate pin numbers do not correlate with the analog channel input. That is, on connector one (leftmost), pin 9 is channel 1, pin 16 is channel 8. On connector four (rightmost), pin 9 is channel 25, pin 16 is channel 32.

For the more common force plate interfaces, you can also obtain pre-configured cables from Vicon.

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