Mouse actions and keyboard shortcuts

Mouse actions and keyboard shortcuts

This topic explains how to control Evoke with the mouse and keyboard.

Manage hot keys

To manage hot keys:

  1. To display a list of all current hot keys, on the Settings menu, click Show Hot Keys, or press Shift+H.
  2. In the Hot Keys dialog box, you can:
    • Save the hot keys that are currently listed (click the Save button at the bottom of the dialog box)
    • Load saved hot keys (click the Load button at the bottom of the dialog box)
    • Revert all the hot keys to their default settings (click the Default button at the bottom of the dialog box)

    • Specify custom hot keys (in the Command column, find the required command and double-click in the Key Sequence column). For details, see Specify custom hot keys.

When you click Save, you can specify a file name and save the current hot keys as a *.HotKeys file to:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Evoke1.x\ username \HotKeys\

If you import a .HotKeys file from another user or machine, make sure it is in this folder path so that you can select it in the Hot Keys configuration menu.

Specify custom hot keys

In the Hot Keys dialog box, you can specify custom hot keys for both current hot keys (ie, overwriting the default hot keys) and for commands listed in the Hot Keys dialog box where the Key Sequence column is blank (ie, for which there aren't currently specified key sequences).

To specify custom hot keys:

  1. Open the Hot Keys dialog box (select Settings > Show Hot Keys or press Shift+H).
  2. In the Command column, find the required command and double-click in the Key Sequence column.
  3. Depending on whether you clicked a blank cell:
    • If you clicked on a blank cell (ie, a key sequence is not currently specified), with the Set Hot Key dialog box still open, press the sequence of keys you want to specify.
    • If you clicked on a current key sequence, in the Set Hot Key dialog box click Clear and then press the sequence of keys that are to replace the original sequence.
    You are warned if your custom key sequence will replace an existing key sequence.
  4. If you want to save your custom hot keys, remember to click Save at the bottom of the dialog box.
  5. Click OK.

Evoke hot keys and mouse actions

For mouse actions and keyboard shortcut for specific tasks, see the following tables.

To display a list of hot keys, select Settings > Show Hot Keys or press Shift+H.

Control Evoke's appearance and behavior

Use the following keys to control the way Evoke looks and behaves. These are the default settings for these keys: to change them, open the Hot Keys dialog box (Shift+H).

Task Keys
Calibrate All Characters from Clusters Shift+C
Camera Calibration view 2
Default view 1
Frame selected F
Grayscale disabled in Workspace Shift+G
Grayscale enabled in Workspace G
Live/offline (toggle) Space
Mask selected tiles in Workspace E
Object manipulator (toggle) M
Preferences dialog box - display/close Shift+P
Redo Ctrl+Y
Reset zoom Z
Scale down manipulator -
Scale up manipulator +
Selected marker count overlay (toggle ) Y
Show hot keys Shift+H
Track objects X
Track selection Shift+X
Tracking - clear C
Tracking - lock to current selection L
Undo Ctrl+Z
Unmask selected tiles in Workspace R

Move between frames

Loop playback (toggle)See Specify custom hot keys
Scrub to next frameS
Scrub to previous frameA
Scrub to first frameSee Specify custom hot keys
Scrub to last frameSee Specify custom hot keys
Start playback (forward)See Specify custom hot keys
Start playback (reverse)See Specify custom hot keys
Stop playbackSee Specify custom hot keys

Move the camera viewpoint

Use the mouse and keyboard to move the camera viewpoint in 3D Perspective, 3D Orthogonal, and Camera view panes.

Dolly/ZoomMove camera viewpoint closer to or further away from the focal pointRight-click + drag forward or backward
OrbitMove camera viewpoint around the focal pointLeft-click + drag left, right, forward, or backward
Reset zoomResets the zoom of the selected Cameras view(s)Z
Truck/TranslateMove camera viewpoint along a horizontal or vertical axesClick both buttons or wheel button + drag left, right, forward, or backward

Work in Graph Plots

TaskKeys and mouse
Pin/unpin channelsRight-click on:
  • Subplot or axis, and select Pin Channel, then select the channel to pin or unpin.
  • Line in the Channel Key, and select Pin All or Unpin All.
Remove all channels from the subplot and the Channel KeyRight-click on a line in the Channel Key, and select Remove All.
Remove a channel from the subplot and Channel KeyIn the Channel Key, click the Remove channel button on the right of the relevant line.
Reset axis pan and zoom to defaultRight-click on subplot or axis and select the required Reset option to reset either the X-axis, Y-axis, or both axes.
Switch between relative and session live time

When not in Review mode, right-click on subplot or x-axis and select or clear Relative Time Display. Default is selected.

  • Relative Time (the default) displays frame numbers relative to the latest system frame
  • Session Time displays frame numbers counting from the start of the current sync session (the current sync session number is indicated on the time bar in square brackets after the frame number). For more information on a sync session, see Device synchronization session.
Pan (slide) both x- and y-axisClick middle button (or wheel, or both buttons) + drag on subplot
Pan (slide) axis onlyClick middle button (or wheel, or both buttons) + drag on required axis
Zoom on both x- and y-axisRight-click and drag (or CTRL+ wheel) on subplot
Zoom on single axis onlyRight-click and drag (or CTRL+ wheel) on required axis
Zoom to selectionAlt+right-click and drag on subplot (sets x- and y-axis ranges to fit a rectangle drawn with the mouse)
To cancel, left-click.
Scroll subplot up/downRotate mouse wheel back or forward on subplot or axis
In Review mode, scrub one frame backward or forwardPress the A or S key

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