Camera calibration parameters
In the Camera Calibration panel, you can change the following settings:
Some options are available only when advanced parameters are displayed (at the top right of the section, click Advanced Parameters ).
Video Setup section
Control | Description | |
Activate Video Calibration |
Activates wand detection for video cameras. |
Masking section
Control | Description |
Slack |
Specify the number of additional pixels to mask around the detected edges. Range 0 to 4. |
Clear Previous Masks |
When selected, previous masks are cleared at the start of the masking process. |
Mask All |
Starts automatically masking light sources. At least one camera must be contributing data. |
Selected |
Automatically masks the current camera selection. At least one camera must be selected. |
Cancel |
Cancels the current auto-masking operation and restores the previous camera masks. For this button to be enabled, auto-masking must be in progress. |
Manual Mask Paint |
Starts manual masking. For this button to be enabled, at least one camera must be contributing data. |
Cancel |
Cancels the current masking operation and restore the previous camera masks. For this button to be enabled, manual masking must be in progress. |
Wand Wave section
Control | Description |
Wand list | Select the calibration object to be used during the camera calibration process. Also used for Set Origin process, unless you select a different calibration object in the Volume Setup section (Advanced parameters). Default: Active Wand v2 |
Auto Stop |
When selected, Evoke automatically stops camera calibration when sufficient data (defined by the number of minimum wand detection frames) has been collected. |
Auto Stop Minimum Frames |
With Auto Stop selected, this value defines the minimum number of wand detection frames required per camera before Evoke automatically stops calibration. Range 100 to 10,000. |
Auto Stop Minimum Frames (Video) |
With Auto Stop selected, this value defines the minimum number of wand detection frames required per video camera before Evoke automatically stops calibration. Range 100 to 10,000. |
Wand Ratio Tolerance |
Tolerance of the distance between the markers on the wand (expressed as a ratio), to enable it to be labeled in 2D. Range 0.01 to 0.50. |
Wand Straightness Tolerance |
Tolerance in alignment of wand markers (relating to the maximum angle allowed between markers) to enable it to be labeled in 2D. Range 0.01 to 0.50. |
Wave All | Starts collecting wand wave data for camera calibration. At least two non-video cameras must be contributing data. |
Selected | Starts collecting wand wave data for calibrating selected cameras. |
Cancel | Cancels the current camera calibration operation. |
Volume Setup section
Control | Description |
Set Volume Origin section |
Synchronize L-Frame |
Controls whether the L-Frame is synchronized with the wand wave calibration object. Disable to select a different L-Frame. |
Wand list |
Select the calibration object to be used during the Set Volume Origin process, if different from the calibration object selected in the Wand Wave section (Advanced parameters). |
Perform Rescale |
When selected, rescales the calibration using the dimensions of the selected L-Frame object. For more information see Scale calibration and set a fixed origin. |
Start Set Origin |
Starts collecting data to set the volume origin. For this button to be enabled, at least two calibrated optical cameras must be contributing data. |
Cancel | Cancels the current Set Origin operation. For this button to be enabled, Set Origin must be in progress. |
Set Floor Plane section |
Height offset (mm) | Specify a value in millimeters by which to lower the floor plane. Default: 7 mm |
Start Set Floor Plane | Starts collecting data to set the floor plane. For this button to be enabled, at least two calibrated optical cameras must be contributing data. |
Cancel | Cancels the current set floor plane operation. For this button to be enabled, Set Floor Plane must be in progress. |
Set Floor Grid section | |
Min X (mm) | Set the minimum x-coordinate of the floor plane in millimeters. Default: -3,000 mm |
Max X (mm) | Set the maximum x-coordinate of the floor plane in millimeters. Default: 3,000 mm |
Min Y (mm) | Set the minimum y-coordinate of the floor plane in millimeters. Default: -3,000 mm |
Max Y (mm) | Set the maximum y-coordinate of the floor plane in millimeters. Default: 3,000 mm |
Set Floor Grid |
Automatically sets the size of the floor grid from the visible floor area. For this button to be enabled, at least two cameras must be calibrated. |
Auto Number Cameras section | |
Auto Number Cameras | Automatically numbers the cameras sequentially around the volume (see Autonumber cameras). |
section Calibration Healing
Control | Description |
Recover Camera Pose |
Starts collecting track data generated by moving markers to recover the pose of the selected camera(s). At least one camera must be selected. You cannot recover the pose of a non-contributing camera. |
Cancel | Cancels the current Recover Camera Pose operation. For this button to be enabled, Recover Camera Pose must be in progress. |