Get help on Capture.U Desktop

Get help on Capture.U Desktop

For more help on using Capture.U Desktop, you can select an option from its Help menu. You can also generate a log file to send to Vicon Support.

Get help on using Capture.U Desktop

  1. Start Capture.U Desktop and click Help.


  2. Choose from the following options:
    • Guides* Visit the Vicon IMU documentation web page.
    • FAQs* Visit the Vicon FAQs web page.
    • Support* Visit the Vicon Support web page.
    • Start walkthrough. Launch a quick tour of Capture.U Desktop.
      To end the walkthrough at any stage, click Help and then click End walkthrough.
    • Version check. Click the version number (bottom right) to display more detailed version information about Capture.U Desktop.

* Internet access required

Generate a log file for troubleshooting

If you need to send a detailed log file to Support, you can use command line options to generate a log file and to specify its level of reporting and location. Log files can be extremely useful in troubleshooting an issue in Capture.U Desktop.

Log files, which are readable text files, are kept for each day the system is used. No more than 10 files are kept on disk.

Generate log files in the default location

To generate the log files in their default locations:

  • On Windows, to access the log files:
    1. In a Command Prompt window, run these commands:

      cd C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Programs\captureu-desktop


      "Capture.U Desktop.exe" --loglevel debug

    2. To find the log files, go the following default location:
      C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Capture.U Desktop\logs
  • On Mac, to access the log files:
    1. In the Terminal, run this command:
      open Capture.U\ Desktop.app --args --loglevel debug
    2. To find the log files, go the following default location:
      ~/Library/Application Support/Capture.U Desktop/Logs 

Specify a custom location for log files

To specify a custom path for log files:

On Windows:

Open a Command Prompt window and enter the following:

cd C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Programs\captureu-desktop


"Capture.U Desktop.exe" --loglevel debug --logdir "PathToLogfile"

For example, to specify that detailed log files are saved to a folder that you created called logs on your Windows Desktop, enter the following command:

"Capture.U Desktop.exe" --loglevel debug --logdir "C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\logs"

On Mac:

In the Terminal, enter the following:

open Capture.U\ Desktop.app --args --loglevel debug --logdir "PathToLogfile"

For example, to specify that detailed log files are saved to a folder that you created called logs on your Mac desktop, enter the following command:

open Capture.U\ Desktop.app --args --loglevel debug --logdir "Users/UserName/Desktop/logs"

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