OCST, SCoRE and SARA research references

OCST, SCoRE and SARA research references

  1. On intrinsic equivalences of the finite helical axis, the instantaneous helical axis, and the SARA approach. A mathematical perspective. R .M. Ehrig and M. O. Heller, Journal of Biomechanics 84 (2019) 4–10
  2. Repeatability and reproducibility of OSSCA, a functional approach for assessing the kinematics of the lower limb. W. R. Taylor, E. I. Kornaropoulos, G. N. Duda, S. Kratzenstein, R. M. Ehrig, A. Arampatzis, M. O. Heller. publ. Gait & Posture 32 (2010) 231–236
  3. A survey of formal methods for determining functional joint axes. Rainald M. Ehrig, William R. Taylor, Georg N. Duda, Markus O. Heller. Journal of Biomechanics 40 (2007) 2150–2157
  4. A survey of formal methods for determining the centre of rotation of ball joints. Rainald M. Ehrig, William R. Taylor, Georg N. Duda, Markus O. Heller. Journal of Biomechanics 39 (2006) 2798–2809

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