Vicon Polygon Release Notes
The following release notes list the improvements that have been made to releases of Vicon Polygon since 4.3.2.
Polygon 4.4.6 Release Notes
Polygon 4.4.6 is a patch release that introduces a Polygon normative database (PXD file) and additional report templates, in addition to addressing a number of issues reported since Polygon 4.4.5.
Normative database (PXD file)
For comparative purposes, Polygon 4.4.6 provides you with a normative database that is supplied as a .pxd file with Polygon.
By default, the PolygonNormativeData.pxd and README.txt files are installed in the following directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Vicon\Polygon4\PolygonNormativeData
- PolygonNormativeData.pxd is the normative data file that you import into Polygon.
- README.txt provides details on the normative data.
The normative data was obtained from Appendix A of the paper, 'The effect of walking speed on the gait of typically developing children', Schwartz, Rozumalski, Trost, Journal of Biomechanics Vol 41 (2008) p.1639–1650). See:
The Polygon normative data (.pxd) file contains gait data for 83 children performing five walking speed conditions (very slow, slow, free (self-selected comfortable), fast, and very fast) for the following parameters (kinematics and kinetics):
Joint Angles | Joint Moments | Joint Powers | Normalized Ground Reaction Forces |
Pelvic Tilt Pelvic Obliquity Pelvic Rotation Hip Flexion/Extension Hip Ad/Abduction Hip Rotation Knee Flexion/Extension Knee Ad/Abduction Knee Rotation Ankle Dorsi/Plantarflexion Foot Progression |
Hip Extension/Flexion Hip Ab/Adduction Knee Extension/Flexion Knee Ab/Adduction Ankle Dorsi/Plantarflexion |
Hip Knee Ankle |
Anterior/Posterior Vertical |
Import the .pxd file into Polygon
- On the ribbon, select the Home tab and click Import File.
- In Windows file explorer, go to the following location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Vicon\Polygon4\PolygonNormativeData - Change the file type from Vicon files (*.c3d) to Polygon External Data (*.pxd).
- Select PolygonNormativeData.pxd.
The normative data file, which is called Polygon Normative Data, is now displayed under the Data Bar. - To display the available gait data for all walking conditions, expand the Polygon Normative Data node by clicking the + symbol.
You can then expand each node to display the data available for each walking condition, for example:
New sports and functional movement report templates
Polygon 4.4.6 includes five new report templates for sports and other functional movement applications. These provide a framework for reports containing your own data.
A description of each report's requirements are supplied with each template, so that you can identify the data that is required, the model, calculation outputs etc. to use this template to generate a report.
These new report templates are provided:
- Example Strength and Conditioning Report Template This template uses the Full Body Plug-in Gait model. The subject performs three trials for each of the following movements: drop jumps, hang clean, tuck jumps and sub max hops. For details, select the Report Requirements and Trial Descriptions link within the report.
- Example TT Bike Fit Report Template This template uses the Full Body Plug-in Gait model, joint center outputs, and ProCalc outputs. The subject performs three different trials for each position (aero, upright and standing). The Pedal monitor can be used to identify the events in Vicon Nexus. ProCalc schemes with descriptions are available from the Vicon website. For the correct location for the ProCalc schemes, see the following Important note.
- Example Plug-in Gait Drop Jump Report Template For details, select the Report and Trial Details link within the report. ProCalc schemes and descriptions are available from the Vicon website. For the correct location for the ProCalc schemes, see the following Important note.
- Example Advanced Gait Workflow Drop Jump Report Template For details, select the Report and Trial Details link within the report. ProCalc schemes and descriptions are available from the Vicon website. For the correct location for the ProCalc schemes, see the following Important note.
- Example Pre and Post Rehab Report Template This template uses the Advanced Gait Workflow model. The subject performs three walking trials from each visit, which are imported into the appropriate placeholders. It provides the lower body kinematic graphs and comparison left and right, including averages.
For details about each template, load the required report (see Load a report template).
By default, like other Polygon templates, these additional templates are installed in:
The relevant ProCalc schemes are available on the Vicon website:
To enable the ProCalc schemes to be used within Vicon Nexus, place them in the appropriate subfolders in this location:
For more information, see:
Load a report template
- On the ribbon, select the Home tab and then click New Report.
- From the dropdown menu, select Template.
A list of available Report Templates is displayed.
These report templates are saved in: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Polygon4\Templates - To view details, select one of the new templates.
Information about the selected template is displayed.
Note that for the Vicon TT Bike Report Template shown above, the model used is Full Body Plug-in Gait.
Also note that, when you run the model, you must select the output joint centers.
Display custom calculations when using the new report templates in Polygon
If you are switching between Vicon Nexus and Polygon gait parameters and performing custom calculations, depending on the parameters you are displaying, you may find that no data for the custom calculations is displayed.
In this case, to display the custom calculations, you must change some of the default settings. The following example uses the Example Plug-in Gait Drop Jump Report Template to show how to do this.
- When you generate a report containing custom calculations, you may find that no data for the custom calculations is displayed, as shown in the following example.
- To display the data for the custom calculations, under the trial in the Data Bar, expand the subject and then select Analysis.
- Right-click on Analysis and then click Properties.
- In the dialog box, clear the Automatically Generate Parameters check box and click OK.
- Right-click on the trial name or subject and then click Update.
- The parameters from the ProCalc calculations are now displayed in the report.
Invert the force plate origin
A new Invert Origin option can be used when a force plate has an origin offset that is not at the center of the plate, but is on the edge of the plate. Importing the force plate into Polygon without inverting the origin may show a misaligned force vector and butterfly.
Example of misalignment of butterfly and force vector
As shown in the following images, some software stores the origin vector as "origin to center" and some stores it as "center to origin". In Nexus, shown in the image on the left, the alignment is correct. When the z-component is non-zero, the correct direction of the origin vector can be inferred by requiring the origin to be within the bounds of the plate. However, when the z-component is zero, no information can be derived. As Nexus and Polygon may make different inferences in this situation, in Polygon the imported data produces the image on the right.
As shown in the following image, selecting the Invert Origin option in Polygon enables you to correct the misalignment.
To invert the force plate origin:
- Load your data into Polygon and observe the alignment of the force plates (and associated vectors), subject, or trajectories.
- If you observe that the force place vector and butterfly are misaligned, in the Data Bar, right-click on the force plate and then click Invert Origin.
The origin offset vector is inverted so that the misalignment no longer occurs.
This change to the data persists when you save and reload the report.
Addressed issues in Vicon Polygon 4.4.6
- Average Node displays trials in the node.
- Force plate vector and butterfly alignment display. A new option inverts the origin so force data is correctly aligned and matches Vicon Nexus (for details, see Invert the force plate origin).
- Force plate contexts are correctly associated upon data import.
- Gait event contexts are correctly displayed within the Timebar.
- Word Export may be permitted to overwrite an existing file.
- Average and standard deviation uses the context colors when using the Average Traces button.
- The mesh file is displayed when the skeleton segments are individually selected in the display workspace.
Polygon 4.4.5 Release Notes
Polygon 4.4.5 is a patch release that addresses a number of issues reported since Polygon 4.4.4.
- Improvements to video display in playback-optimized mode.
- Camera calibrations, MKR files and video load when the trial path contains a dot.
- Hyperlinks correctly hold the imported video.
- The 3D overlay video alignment improved near the edge of the field of view.
- Improvements to export AVI with codecs.
- The vertical graph axis display fixed in empty template reports.
- Trials with more than 32 gait cycles nominate kinematics and kinetics on load.
- Averaging data and altering parameters no longer hangs the application.
- Importing data from a different location to the Report correctly imports video overlay.
- Improvements to the sync optimized video offsets for windowed Vue cameras.
- Standard Deviation (Stddev) region in Context Appearance mode displays the correct color.
- Exporting 3D as an AVI correctly exports the lab axis.
- Graphing the force plate moments using all components displays a single graph.
- Fixed duplicate Mark Node entry in context menu.
Polygon 4.4.4 Release Notes
Polygon 4.4.4 is a patch release that addresses a number of issues reported since Polygon 4.4.3.
- You can now add a segment which has already been added to the Workspace View.
- Polygon now correctly cycles through Graph tab selections when holding down the right mouse button and repeatedly left-clicking.
- When adding Data Tags to a Graph tab, Data Tag boxes do not now relocate onto another Graph tab.
- 3D overlay from Show Objects now aligns correctly with video.
- Reports created in earlier versions of Polygon now retain correct graph layout.
- The Ignore Stdev option on an Analysis node is now retained and Stdevs are not printed.
- Phase plot graphs now display correct scale and do not re-scale after using right-click > Replace Link in a Text pane.
- When adding thumbnail plots with multiple gait cycles, if the Context Display Mode is set to Side by side, all plots are now correctly displayed.
- Load Subject Model button now becomes active as expected.
- Within Trial Average now computes the average and standard deviation for each context.
- Normalized Ground Reaction Forces are now displayed as % BW.
- Importing trials with same name from different sessions into a template no longer causes issues.
Polygon 4.4.3 Release Notes
Nexus overlay videos are now automatically imported under movies when the trial C3D is imported into Polygon.
Polygon 4.3.3 Release Notes
Importing .avi files from Workstation legacy data now works correctly.
Polygon 4.3.2 Release Notes
Polygon 4.3.2 is a patch release for Vicon Polygon. This update improves the behavior of some existing features and addresses a series of issues reported following the release of Polygon 4.3.1.
Features or feature updates:
- PDF files can now be correctly imported into a report.
- Adding a PGemg bar no longer affects the view of existing gait cycles.
- C3D files can now be loaded without their associated video files being imported.
- The timebar only refreshes after you select a different trial in the data bar.
- Video overlay is now correctly displayed in Workspace view.
- The COM marker is now displayed correctly in Workspace view.
- Placeholder comments are now correctly removed when a trial is updated/refreshed.
- Updating or refreshing a trial now updates the model outputs.
- Special characters (example: é) in a subject name no longer prevent a trial from loading.
- Butterfly diagram no longer appears to ‘float’ above FP visually.
- Force vectors for AMTI plates arranged in a “stair” configuration are now displayed correctly.
- Adding graphs while in thumbnail view no longer results in a crash.
- Double-clicking to move between single graph and thumbnail graph view now works reliably.
- The Average Trace button now toggles correctly when groups of traces are added to a graph.
- Extra spaces are no longer added to a report when links are set to Do Not Export.
- When a template is saved in a new location, you no longer need to close and reopen Polygon.
- Exporting to Word no longer results in a crash.
- Polygon no longer shows incorrect context(s) when loading a c3d that contains non-standard contexts.
- Events updated in Nexus are now correctly updated in Polygon when the trial is refreshed.