What's new in Vicon ProCalc?

What's new in Vicon ProCalc?

About Vicon ProCalc 1.6

Vicon ProCalc 1.6 is a point release that provides features and enhancements in addition to those that were included in earlier releases of ProCalc.

ProCalc 1.6 new features and functions

Ability to calculate kinetic outputs

ProCalc 1.6 introduces the calculation of kinetic outputs (joint forces, moments, and powers).

ProCalc now includes the default inertial properties for the full body. These properties are taken from the standard Dempster literature (Dempster, WT. (1955) Space requirements of the seated operator. WADC Technical Report 55–159, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH.) and so match the values used by Plug-in Gait, enabling you to derive joint kinetics from within ProCalc.

ProCalc automatically saves the default parameters to the following file:


You can modify or expand this file if required, for example, to change the properties for a prosthesis.

64-bit ProCalc only

Note that ProCalc 1.6 is  64-bit only and not 32-bit.

Addressed issues

  • All device data types are now accessible.

  • Group parameters now export correctly.

  • Fixed a backward compatibility issue with general context events defined in older versions.

  • Fixed a circular dependency that caused the software to stop responding by not allowing a parameter to use itself as an input.

  • Fixed erroneous output of name in use warnings.

  • Event schemes now handle the case where the data value equals the threshold value.

  • Unitless constants are now available in variables.

  • Fixed vector arrowhead orientation issues.

Known issues

Issue Workaround
When ProCalc makes any calculation in the Variables scheme that uses a 4x4 rotation, the angle is calculated, but a graph preview is not displayed. None
When angle axis changes are displayed in ProCalc, they are displayed at the proximal end of the parent segment, eg, for the knee angle, the axis is displayed at the hip joint center and not the knee joint center. None
ProCalc does not work with 4K monitors. To ensure ProCalc works with your monitor, specify a lower resolution. 
Poor GUI layout on high-DPI displays. Right-click on the ProCalc shortcut, then select Properties > Compatibility, and click Change high DPI settings. Select Override high DPI scaling behavior and set to System (Enhanced).
Context menus in the Data Management pane do not render correctly when high DPI scaling is overridden.

Use Nexus to modify the database structure. Use the keyboard shortcut M to mark trials.

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