Export a retarget setup

Export a retarget setup

When you're happy with the setup, or if you'd like to see how it works on other motions, export the file, which contains the retarget skeleton, the retargeting constraints, and the map pose.

Export VSR

When you export in VSR format, you can:

  • Load the VSR into other takes that only have a solving skeleton and then run retargeting.
  • Load the VSR into Shogun Live to use it in real time.

Export FBX

  1. To export in FBX format, select the Retargeting node, then right-click and select Select Branch.

    This selects the target skeleton, so that you can choose to export Selected objects only in the next step.

  2. To choose what is exported and whether to reset scaling on export, open the Preferences dialog box (on the General menu, select Preferences), select the File Export tab and in the File Format box, select FBX Motion.

  3. If you want to reset scaling on export, ensure that the Unscale retargeting skeletons option is selected.

See also Export from Shogun Post.

You can now test the exported FBX in your CG app.

Export retarget constraints to HSL

You can export your retargeting setup to an HSL file so that you can re-use it, using the Export Constraints feature (Shogun Post 1.6 and later). You do this in a similar way to the current process for exporting solving constraints.

To export retargeting constraints and weights:

  1. Load a trial with a fully processed subject (VSK and VSS), which has an associated target skeleton (FBX) with a full set of constraints and weights.
  2. In the Subject Setup panel, select the Retargeting tab and expand the Constraints section.

    All the configured constraints and weights are listed.

  3. To export constraints, click Export Constraints, which is on the right, underneath the list of constraints.

  4. In the dialog box, enter or browse to a location and name for the constraints HSL file, and then select Save to export the constraints.
  5. To export weights, select Export Weights, which is on the left, underneath the list of constraints.
  6. In the dialog box, enter or browse to a location and name for the weights HSL file, and then select Save to export the weights.

To import the exported constraints and weights:

  1. Load the MCP file in which you want to use the exported constraints. Ensure that the source bone names that affect constraints and weights are the same as those used in the original MCP file.

    The subject and its solving skeleton are displayed in the 3D Scene view.

  2. Load the associated FBX file. Ensure that the target bone names that affect constraints and weights are the same as those used in the original FBX file.

    The FBX target skeleton is displayed in the 3D Scene view.

    (tick) Tip: To set the subject's view filter for retargeting, in the 3D Scene view, select View Filters and under Subjects, select Retarget.

  3. To import the constraints from the HSL file that you exported earlier, in the Constraints section of the Retargeting tab, click Import Constraints, which is on the right, underneath the constraint list.

  4. In the dialog box, enter or browse to the required location and select the constraints HSL file.

  5. To import weights, click Import Weights, which ison the left, underneath the constraint list). Note that you must import the constraints first, before you import the weights.

  6. In the dialog box, enter or browse to the required location and select the weights HSL file. Ensure the same target root bone is set, and a similar target scale is used as before.

    The constraints and weights are listed in the Constraints section of the Retargeting tab.

  7. Run the usual retargeting process.

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