Live - Hot keys and shortcuts

Live - Hot keys and shortcuts


To see a list of all current hot keys, on the Settings menu, click Show Hot Keys or press Shift+H.

To create your own hot keys, in the Command column, double-click the required command and in the Set Hot Key dialog box, specify the hot keys.

Use the mouse and keyboard to speed up your work with Vicon Shogun Live with the following commonly used shortcuts:

3D View

Action Mouse
Rotate Click and drag
Translate Left- and right-click and drag
Zoom Right-click and drag
Scale the object manipulator Press + (scale up) or - (scale down)
Pause/resume live streaming Space bar
Scrub the timeline Middle mouse button

Cameras view

Action Mouse
Zoom in or out Middle mouse button + drag, or rotate the mouse wheel.
Enable the Grayscale view option for all or selected cameras G
Disable the Grayscale view option Shift+G
Pause/resume live streaming Space bar
Scrub the timeline Middle mouse button

Select objects

Action Mouse/hotkey
Select Click or
Drag or
ALT+drag (3D View, Perspective view)
Multiple select/de-select CTRL+click or

Set hot keys in Live

If you want to change what happens when you press a particular key or combination of keys, you can assign or un-assign commands to hot keys.

To assign or clear hot keys:

  1. Open the Hot Keys dialog box (Settings > Show Hot Keys or press Shift+H).
  2. Double-click the required command to display the Set Hot Key dialog box, where you can set or clear the hot key for it.
  3. To save to disk the current hot keys, includiing any changes you've made, click OK.
  4. Click OK to close the Hot Keys dialog box.

Selecting with the ALT key

To change the behavior of the ALT key:

  1. Open the Preferences diagog box (Settings > Preferences or press SHIFT+P).
  2. In the User Preferences, go to the General section and clear or select Alt key to select in views.

    This sets the ALT key as required when you select in Shogun Live Workspace views.

When ALT key to select in views is cleared, the default behavior is selection without the ALT key.

Align a prop to the world axis

To align a selected prop to the world axis:

  • With the prop selected, display the Object Manipulator, ensure it is set to Global and change all the prop's values to zero.

For more information, see Move props.

Select Grayscale Mode for cameras

To cycle through the Grayscale Mode options:

  1. Ensure the relevant cameras are selected.
  2. Press Ctrl+G.

    This saves you from having to select the option for the camera(s) on the System tab.

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