Get an overview with the time bar Issues map

Get an overview with the time bar Issues map

To enable you to identify frames with issues, between the play range (green vertical) bars on the time bar, two horizontal colored bars are displayed. For each frame:

  • The top bar indicates the percentage of markers that are labeled.
  • As the top bar percentage may include markers that are incorrectly labeled, to help you identify issues further, the lower bar indicates the percentage of markers that have a high solving constraint error (that is, the number of markers whose solving constraint error is considered too large). This can indicate issues like mislabels, swaps, or a poor solve due to an incorrect fill, over filtering, etc.

For both bars, the color varies from yellow to red, depending on the number of markers with issues at each frame. In each bar, the longer the yellow part exists, the longer the issue exists, whereas the more red it turns, the more markers have issues. To show more information about the errors found at a particular frame, hover the mouse pointer over the relevant frame.

The issues map is all red if there is no labeled data in the current scene.

You can use the mouse to work with the time bar as follows:


Do this

Show a tooltip that explains the issues that are present at this frame Hover the mouse pointer over the frame.
Set the current time Select the time bar or drag the current time indicator.
Set the current time (ie select a frame), highlight the markers that are missing labels or have high constraint errors, and snap the camera to them Using the tooltip as a guide to where to click on the time bar, double-click on it.
Select a time range ALT+drag. See also Work with time ranges.

After you have gained an overview of your data with the time bar, you can use the Data Health view, the Graph view and/or the Marker Editing and Labeling panels to further identify and correct any issues.

To enhance system performance when working on a scene that contains very large amounts of data, you may want to turn off the Issues map.

To turn the issues map on and off:

Select the Issues map button to the left of the time bar.

To set the issues map to show all issues or only those for a specific subject:

From theCurrent Subjectlist, select the required option.

Note that you can snap the 3D view to the selected subject by selecting Snap 3D view to the right of the Current Subject list.