Calibrate the SDI video system

Calibrate the SDI video system

Before attempting to calibrate, ensure you have completed all the steps in the previous sections (for a list of the relevant sections, see Setting up video cameras for Vicon Shogun).

Note that tracked circles are not visible until you select Activate Video Calibration, as described below.

If you want to add an SDI camera to a Vicon system that is already calibrated, see also SDI lens calibration example in Getting started with Vicon Shogun.

  1. In the Camera Calibration panel, display the advanced options and click Activate Video Calibration.

    (tick) Tip: If you can't see any tracked circles on the wand, this may be due to the system and camera not being frame-aligned. To correct this, in the Genlock & Timecode Settings section, drag the slider for the Advanced setting, Genlock Offset, until the circles appear.

  2. Ensure that video camera is positioned so that items in its field of view, including the wand, can also be seen by the Vicon cameras.
  3. As normal, mask out any artifacts that could be mistaken for circles by selecting Start Masking. To ensure that the image is not so bright that the whole view is masked, but not so dark that the camera is prevented from seeing the wand, do one of the following:

    • On the camera, reduce the aperture, ensuring that the wand is still visible; or
    • In Shogun Live, go to the System Properties for the Decklink card and in the Optical Setup section, adjust the Threshold setting.

      (tick) Tip: A setting of 0.6 is a good starting point for most studios, but for a very bright space, you may need a slightly higher value.

  4. Click Start Wave and ensure that the wand is waved so that it is seen by the SDI video camera as well as the Vicon cameras.

    Note that video cameras normally see less wand information than optical cameras: half the amount seen by the optical cameras is usually enough for a good calibration.

  5. During calibration, any time offset between the video camera and the system is calculated and automatically applied. If necessary, you can change the offset in the Timecode Setup section of the DeckLink properties.

  6. With video calibration turned off, you can now set the origin as normal.