Visualize camera coverage
At any point during your use of Shogun Post, you can use the Volume Visualizer to visualize camera coverage of real or virtual volumes based on the cameras in the scene.
The tool draws voxels for each theoretical ray intersection of cameras in the scene. This means that, within a box encompassing all cameras, every X distance from one corner to the opposite corner a box is drawn if cameras can see that position in space. You can configure the number of cameras that need to see that position and change other options to customize the visualization to more accurately represent your setup.
For more information, see the following steps or watch Vicon Shogun 1.3 Post Tutorial - Volume Visualizer on YouTube.
To use the Volume Visualizer:
- Either load a camera calibration file (.xcp), or create cameras (on the Objects ribbon, select Create Object) or create camera objects via a script.
- On the Panels ribbon, select Camera Calibration.
- In the Camera Calibration panel, select the Volume Visualization tab.
- Select whether to show camera frustums and set the other options as required (see Volume Visualizer settings) and then click Visualize Volume. The volume, with colored voxels representing the area seen by the selected camera(s), is displayed.
Each box shows a position where cameras intersect. With the default (Jet) color map selected, the lighter boxes are where three cameras (the default Min Cameras Per Voxel setting) intersect, and as the boxes become red, more cameras are intersecting. By rotating around this view, you can see which areas of the volume have the best coverage, whether there are dead spots, where you get the most height, etc.
If necessary, adjust the settings to enable you to visualize the volume as required (see Volume Visualizer settings).
You can use the Manipulator tool in the 3D Scene view to move and rotate cameras and observe the effect on the volume coverage. Note that increasing the voxel size can improve performance.
You can also add cameras (on the Objects ribbon, select Create Object), delete cameras, or change the type of a camera (from the Attributes editor), etc. This enables you to visualize not just existing calibrated camera configurations but also virtual camera arrangements, so you can try out new camera configurations.
Volume Visualizer settings
The following options are provided for volume visualization:
Option | Description |
Enable Coverage Frustums |
Displays or hides the Draw_Frustum attribute of all the cameras. The Visualize Volume tool uses this attribute to determine how far each camera can theoretically see. You can display a camera's frustum in Shogun Post without using Visualize Volume. To do this, select one or more cameras and in the Attributes editor, display the Advanced options ( ) and in the Display section, select the Draw_Frustum attribute. It's drawn as a transparent pyramid extending from the camera. This is another way of visualizing the space a camera can see and can be useful on its own or with the Vizualize Volume tool. |
Auto Set Volume Limits | If selected, the box containing the voxels automatically includes all the cameras in the scene and clamps it to the floor. |
Min X, Min Y and Min Z | Defines the volume size (mm) |
Voxel Size | Modifies the spacing between boxes. A lower value draws more voxels, but may take longer to draw (default is 750). |
Box Size | The size of the box that is drawn at each voxel (1-1000, default is 50 mm) |
Min Cameras Per Voxel | The minimum number of cameras that must see a voxel for it to be drawn. Usually, set this value to the fewest ray intersections acceptable to reconstruct a marker as a starting point. |
Max Cameras Per Voxel | The maximum number of cameras that must see a voxel for it to be drawn. Usually, set this value to the number of cameras in the scene. |
Auto Set Max Cameras Per Voxel | If selected, automatically sets the maximum number of cameras per voxel to the number of optical cameras in the scene. |
Color Map | Lists the color schemes available to show the number of cameras that see each voxel. |
Filter Operation |
By default the tool works on all cameras, but this setting lets you display voxels based on the selected cameras. None: Shows all the voxels seen by all cameras, regardless of which cameras are selected. All Selected: Shows only the voxels seen by all the selected cameras. Any Selected: Shows voxels seen by any of the selected cameras. None Selected: Shows voxels that are not seen by the selected cameras. |