


Sets the export options for the FBX exporter for the next time you export an FBX.

Functional area

File handling

Command syntax


fbxExportOptions [-collapseSubjects boolean] [-exportActiveClipOnly boolean] [-upAxis string] [-rotateToFacePositive boolean] [-exportLabelingSetups boolean] [-namespaceMode string] [-unrollAnimationCurves boolean] [-exportPlayRangeOnly boolean] [-unscaleRetargeting boolean] [-version string]




NameFlag argumentsArgument typeComments
collapseSubjects1booleanAdd a root null node named ( Actor_1 ... Actor_n ) to all root level nodes which are not character nodes.
exportActiveClipOnly1booleanExport all clips as takes instead of just the current active clip.
namespaceModeUseNamestringCan be one of:
  • None: Removes any present namespace(s) from the module names on export. For example, a module named John:LFHD is exported as LFHD. Warns you if stripping the namespace(s) results in multiple modules having the same name and that the importing application may add _# to resolve that.
  • Short: Creates namespaces in the exported FBX based on the minimum path required to uniquely resolve the module, based on the hierarchy. If used with modules that contain colon-based namespaces, colon-based namespaces are maintained. Generally mixing colon and hierarchy based namespaces in FBX export is something you'd be unlikely to do in practice.
  • Full: Creates namespaces in the exported FBX based on the full path of the module based on the hierarchy.
    If used with modules that contain colon-based namespaces, colon-based namespaces are maintained. Generally mixing colon and hierarchy based namespaces in FBX export is something you'd be unlikely to do in practice.
  • UseName: Exports the modules as named, maintaining colon namespace(s) if present.
    Warns you if stripping the namespace(s) results in multiple modules having the same name and that the importing application may add _# to resolve that.
unrollAnimationCurves1booleanHandles FBX exported from Shogun that contains Euler- or gimbal-flipping not visible in Shogun. When selected, behavior is like that of the AutodeskĀ® MotionBuilderĀ® Gimbal Killer filter on all rotation curves.
exportPlayRangeOnly1booleanExports data from playRange only: any other data is ignored

Return value



// Add a root null node named ( Actor_1 ... Actor_n) to all 
// root level nodes that are not character nodes.
fbxExportOptions -collapseSubjects off
// Export all clips as take instead of just the current active clip.
fbxExportOptions -exportActiveClipOnly on;

Additional information

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