Print HSL command data to Log
Print HSL command data to Log
You can use the print command to write the contents of specified strings to the Log.
The following code fragments review techniques for displaying information collected by a script. Review the comments to learn what each set of codes do. Cut, paste and modify the fragments to create your own scripts. To test most of these fragments you will have to have previously loaded a scene with markers.
// The following statement creates an array, or list, // of all the MarkerNodes in the scene string $modArray[]; $modArray = `getModules -type "Marker"`; // This calculates and prints the translation value for // RFHD at the current time vector $pos = RFHD.getVectorProperty( "Translation" ); print $pos; // This returns and prints the elements of a // string array string $a; $a = getStringProperty( $modArray[0], Name ); print $a; // This prints a module element's name just by // casting the module to a string print( string( $modArray[0] ) ); // You can print the value of any object's translation // property using the following statement. Modify this // statement to print the value of any property. print( string( `getVectorProperty $modArray[0] "Translation"` ) );
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