Create a folder hierarchy to store takes
Before you begin motion capture with Vicon Shogun Live, you must create a hierarchy of folders in which to store the files associated with your motion capture takes. You can do this either in Vicon Shogun Post or in Vicon Eclipse running as a standalone application.
To create the folder hierarchy to store your takes:
Start Vicon Shogun Post
or Vicon Eclipse .- If you are using Shogun Post, open the Data Management panel (press F2, or on the Panels tab on the ribbon, select Data Management).
In the Data Management panel or in Eclipse, select Create a new database. (Note that the Eclipse buttons are slightly different from the Data Management ones, but their function is the same.)
In the New Database dialog box:
- In the Location field, browse to or enter the required location. This can be anywhere where you normally save data, for example in your Documents folder.
- In the Name field, enter a name and (if required) a description in the Description field.
In the Based on list, select Shogun Animation Template.eni.
- Select Create and in the next dialog box, ensure your new database is selected and select Open.
In the Data Management pane, create the structure in which Shogun Live will store your take:
Right-click in the window, select New > Project, and enter a suitable name for your project.
Select the Project line you just created, right-click, and select New > Capture day.
Click in the new Capture day node, right-click, and select New > Session.
The Session then appears in the Capture day node.
Open Windows Explorer and view the folder structure you just created.
Note that the .enf file has the name you gave to your database. It contains the file structure instructions to Eclipse that tell it which is the main folder and which are the subfolders for this database.
The subfolder structure reflects the Project, Capture day and Session that you specified. Each subfolder contains an .enf file that indicates to Eclipse where it belongs in the hierarchy.
You now have an active session, ready to store your Shogun Live takes.
You can now place the cameras and markers in position in the volume (see Position the cameras and markers).
Before you begin capturing, to save your captured takes into the newly created folder hierarchy, you will also need to specify the path to it in Shogun Live, as described in Capture a take.