Work with static meshes

Work with static meshes

With Shogun Live 1.6 and later, you can import objects (FBX files) that represent set pieces and LED display walls into Shogun Live and manipulate them within your scene. This is useful when setting up your 3D environment, enabling you to:

  • Calculate the positions of scenery and LED display walls within the tracked space.

  • Position actors within the tracked space.

  • Approximately place cameras ahead of a shoot.

Scenery and set objects such as these are known as Static Meshes. They are referred to as static because these objects are often stationary. Meshes applied to subjects are often animated.

To import a static mesh into your scene:

  • In Shogun Live, at the top of the Tracking panel, click the Import static mesh button , locate the required FBX file, and click Open.
    When meshes are imported, for convenience they are copied to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\SceneMeshes.

After you have finished capturing your scene that contains a static mesh, you can load the resulting MCP file into Shogun Post. For information, see Load static meshes into Shogun Post.

To manipulate a static mesh, first pause the real-time by pressing the space bar or clicking Enter Review.
Note that after you move or remove static meshes, the change is not displayed until you press the space bar or click Enter Review again.

Load static meshes into Shogun Post

In Shogun Post 1.6 and later, you can load an MCP file that was captured in Live and contains a static mesh. When you load the MCP file into Post, the static mesh is displayed as an object whose default translation and rotation values are those that you specified in Shogun Live.

The default path to which static meshes are saved is: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\SceneMeshes\

As with other default locations, you can change the path by editing it in the Preferences dialog box (from the Settings menu, select Preferences and in the Folders section, go to Scene Meshes and enter or browse to the required folder).

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