Processing during cleanup
Note that the previous steps for fixing data issues assume that your existing .mcp data is largely of acceptable quality. However, in some circumstances (for example when you are trying to produce better quality data), rather than persisting in trying to fix a problematic .mcp file, you may need to clear the scene and start from the .x2d file, or unlabel all the data first. In this case, do not just open the Processing panel and click Reconstruct or Label or run other Combined Processing operations as this will not fix problems with the underlying data.
Clear existing data
To remove all unlabeled data and clear existing labels and solves, at the top of the Processing panel, select the Reset Scene check box. You can then run Reconstruct, etc. Note that you can't undo the reset.
To remove existing labels from the current file, on the Labeling tab of the Processing panel, select Clear Existing Labels and then run Labeling as required.
To remove occlusion fixing from your data, in the Marker Editing panel, expand the Restore section and select the required option.
Solve during cleanup
During the cleanup operation, each time you finish cleaning up a range, check its solve. To do this:
Ensure the range you cleaned up is selected.
On the Processing tab on the ribbon, select the arrow on the Solve Solving button.
Select Solve Solving Ranges.
The selected range is solved, enabling you to quickly check that your cleanup has been successful, without having to solve the whole take.
Proceed to clean up the next range that contains mislabels, gaps or noisy markers, etc.
After you have completed all the cleanup required, finish by solving the entire take. For more information see Solve the data.