Auto number cameras (optional)

Auto number cameras (optional)

The Auto Number Cameras feature numbers the currently connected Vicon cameras in ascending order, according to their position in the capture volume. You may want to do this after you calibrate your Vicon system, so that your cameras are logically numbered before you begin capture.

Automatic numbering starts with the camera that is furthest from the volume origin. The cameras are then numbered in a clockwise direction around the volume. If your cameras are positioned at different levels, the cameras in the level that contains the most cameras are numbered first.

To automatically number Vicon cameras:

  1. Ensure that the cameras are positioned as required and that you have calibrated the cameras and set the volume origin (see the previous steps in Calibrate cameras).

  2. To enable you to check the camera numbering for all cameras, in the System panel, ensure that you can see the list of Vicon cameras.

  3. In the Camera Calibration panel, go to the Volume Setup section, ensure the advanced options are displayed , and in the Auto Number Cameras section, select Auto Number Cameras.

    The cameras are automatically numbered in ascending order, according to their position in the volume.

    In C:\ProgramData\Vicon\Calibrations, the LatestCalibration.xcp file is updated.

  4. In the volume, check that the cameras are now numbered as required.