Solve the data

Solve the data

When you have finished any necessary cleanup of your data, run a final solve to produce the finished file ready for export.

In addition to the following information, see also the Vicon video 3 - Shogun Post - Processing and Solving, which covers using the Processing panel, editing a solving skeleton, and solving.

Even if you only had to clean up a single frame or a small range of frames, always run a final solve on the entire play range. You can run solves on smaller ranges so that you can review the results of your cleanup while you are working (depending on your requirements, you would probably use the Solve Labeling and/or Solve Solving options on the ribbon or in the Processing panel), but to avoid any jumps at the start and end of the solved range(s), when you have finished editing, you must run a solve of the whole play range.

To solve your data:

  1. On the Processing tab of the ribbon, click Processing.
  2. At the top of the Processing panel, ensure the required options are selected from the Time Range list (for example, to affect the whole play range, select All, as shown in the following illustration).
  3. In the Processing panel, ensure the options for Reconstruct, Label, and Fix Occlusion are cleared (for more information, see About occlusion fixing), but Solve is selected.
  4. On the Solving tab, ensure the settings are as required.
    If you are using any of the high fidelity fingers templates:
    • Ensure that the Plausibility importance option is set to a suitable value. The default, 25, is normally a good starting point. Smaller values produce better data fidelity (ie, the markers will better fit their constraints), but the pose likelihood may be weaker. Larger values produce better pose likelihood, but weaker data fidelity.
    • Note that the Mean pose ratio, which affects the entire skeleton, has a strong impact on the final hand poses. The default, 0.75, is normally a good starting point, but if you need to adjust it (for example, if there is too much noise), try a lower value.
  5. Click Run Checked Operations.

    Any changes you have made to the labeling skeleton and the solving skeleton are included in this final solve.
  6. Review your solved data and perform any further cleanup needed.

About occlusion fixing

Note for Blade users:
Occlusion fixing in Shogun is similar to that available in Blade. However, by default, the .mcp files that are produced in Shogun Live are automatically occlusion fixed, so are unlikely to need further occlusion fixing when opened and processed in Shogun Post.

Occlusion fixing uses data from non-occluded markers to supply the missing data for the occluded markers. To give the best results and the smoothest trajectories, occlusion fixing may affect non-occluded markers throughout the take, even if you have selected a range before applying it. If you repeatedly run occlusion fixing in Post, the effect may be cumulative, resulting in greater (possibly unwanted) smoothing.

Interactive solving

You can see changes that you make to the solver in real time.

To use the interactive solving feature:

  1. Load a scene with a solved character in it.
  2. Make sure interactive solving is turned on. To do this:
    • In the Subject Setup panel, click the Solving tab and on the toolbar at the top, ensure the Enable interactive solving button is selected (green).

  3. Adjust the solve, for example by rotating a joint.
  4. Notice that when you release the rotation widget, the solve updates and the rest of the limb updates.

Note that you can use interactive solving for both solving and retargeting skeletons. To use interactive solving for a retargeting skeleton, use the same procedure as above, but click the Retargeting tab and on the toolbar at the top, ensure the Enable interactive retargeting button is selected (green).

For information on the relevant HSL commands, see the following commands in HSL Scripting with Vicon Shogun.

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