Addressed issues in Vicon Shogun 1.6

Addressed issues in Vicon Shogun 1.6

Vicon Shogun 1.6 resolves a number of issues, including the selection listed here.

Issues addressed in Shogun Live 1.6

  • When you change System preferences, they are saved when you exit and restart Shogun.
  • When you capture video data, the log no longer displays spurious error messages about pixel format conversion.
  • When you use the ViconMaleFingers skin, the heels no longer go through the floor.
  • When you use the SideWaist and FrontWaist templates for the marker sets with fingers, the list of labels in the Labeling panel is now in the correct order.
  • When you click Set to Defaults at the top of a panel (eg, in the Processing or Capture panels), you are now prompted to confirm this change.
  • You no longer need to select Activate Video Calibration when recovering a Vue camera position as this mode is now started automatically.
  • Bump detection now works correctly after a calibration file is reloaded.

Issues addressed in Shogun Post 1.6

  • Static meshes are now visible only when you select 3D in the View Filters for the Cameras view, and not when it is cleared.
  • After exporting an FBX, you can now save a VDF, VSS or VSK.
  • When you capture a take using a Shogun Live system that includes an SDI camera, and load the resulting data into Shogun Post, the captured .mov video is now loaded and the SDI camera is associated correctly, with the correct focal length.
  • If you incorrectly label a marker and then click Ctrl+Z to undo, only the unlabeled (correct) marker is now selected. In addition, using Ctrl-Z to undo now works correctly in the labels list in the Labeling panel.
  • FBX files that are imported into Shogun Post for retargeting skins now display color and textures that are similar to the original exported FBX, instead of defaulting to black.
  • When you set a mesh for a prop, the default base opacity is now set to 0, so that the mesh is clearly visible.

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