Using VRPN within Virtools
Using VRPN within Virtools
Virtools, a commercial application, has support for VRPN and can be configured to connect with Vicon Tracker as follows.
A full VRDevice.cfg file is included below.
Head@TrackerPC is the way Virtools connects to the VRPN server within Tracker. The format is object_name@PC_Name. This configuration file will look for an object called "Head" on the Tracker server called "TrackerPC."
Head@TrackerPC is the way Virtools connects to the VRPN server within Tracker. The format is object_name@PC_Name. This configuration file will look for an object called "Head" on the Tracker server called "TrackerPC."
======================================= vrpnTracker_0 Head@TrackerPC neutralPosition_0 0.0 0.0 0.0 neutralQuaternion_0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 axisPermute_0 0 2 1 axisSign_0 1 1 1 trackerScale_0 1 TrackerGroup_0 T0:0:6 =======================================
This VRDevice.cfg also contains other directives that:
- Map the Vicon coordinates properly to the Virtools coordinates:
axisPermute_0 0 2 1
axisSign_0 1 1 1
- Add a tracker group with:
TrackerGroup_0 T0:0:6
To complete the process, do the following:
- Add the VRPN settings to a VRPack.cfg file, which is in the same folder as the .cmo. That way it can be tested with Virtools Dev.
- For versions of Tracker before 1.2 in the composition, activate the Use Scale option and change the value of trackerScale_0 in your VRDevice.cfg file to 0.001 (converts Vicon mm to Virtools m).
For a full description of any of these configuration options, please refer to the Virtools documentation.
For sample files that use VRPN to connect Virtools to a tracked object within Vicon Tracker, please contact Vicon Support or download from the Vicon website.
, multiple selections available,