Mouse and keyboard shortcuts

Mouse and keyboard shortcuts

You control Tracker using the mouse and keyboard.

To see a list of all current hot keys, on the Help menu, click Hotkeys.

Controlling Tracker's appearance and behavior

Use the following keys to control the way Tracker looks and behaves.

Task Keys
Display the installed Vicon Tracker User Guide (PDF) F1
Display full screen view for the selected view pane F5
Display/Close Sounds dialog box F6
Display/Close Options dialog box F7
Create named object from selected reconstructions CTRL+E
Reboot Core Processor CTRL+R
Resynchronize the system CTRL+SHIFT+R
Save All CTRL+S
Pause Live/Play Offline Space
Select previous camera [
Select next camera ]
Unset all cameras' Bumped status CTRL+SHIFT+B
Translate object T
Rotate object R

Moving between frames

Task Keys
Go to frame CTRL+G
Move to next frame Right arrow
Move to last frame Left arrow
Move to first frame Home
Move to last frame End
Move forward 10 frames PgUp
Move backward 10 frames PgDown

Moving the camera viewpoint

Use the mouse and keyboard to move the camera viewpoint in 3D Perspective, 3D Orthogonal, and Camera view panes.

Action Description Mouse/Keyboard
Dolly/Zoom Move camera viewpoint closer to or further away from the focal point Right-click + drag forward or backward
Orbit Move camera viewpoint around the focal point Left-click + drag left, right, forward, or backward
Truck/Translate Move camera viewpoint along a horizontal or vertical axes Click wheel button + drag left, right, forward, or backward
Zoom to sensor window Zoom the camera viewpoint to the sensor window CTRL+SHIFT+Z

Viewing the X- and Y-Axis

Use the mouse to view the x- and y-axis in a Graph view pane.

Action Keys and mouse
Slide x-axis left Click wheel button + drag left
Slide x-axis right Click wheel button + drag right
Slide y-axis up Click wheel button + drag forward
Slide y-axis down Click wheel button + drag backward
Zoom x-axis in Right-click + drag left
Zoom x-axis out Right-click + drag right
Zoom y-axis in Right-click + drag backward
Zoom y-axis out Right-click + drag forward

Zooming an axis (x or y)

All graph components in a single workspace maintain the same scale for both the x-and y-axes. The x-axis is shared across all components, but each component has its own y-axis. The y-axis may show different ranges, but represent the same number of values.

On the x-axis, the workspace is centered around zero, keeping the zero on the right edge of the workspace and changing the values displayed on the left.

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