Properties pane for MX Giganet nodes

Properties pane for MX Giganet nodes

The Properties pane for MX Giganet nodes contains the following sections.

You can also access related options from the MX Giganet context menu.

MX Giganet Identification section

If MX Giganets are connected to your Vicon system, when you click on the Vicon Connectivity node on the System tab, the following controls are available in the Identification section of the Properties pane:

Setting Description
Name A user-defined display name for the entire set of MX Giganets.
Type The Vicon Connectivity node is read-only.
Device ID The Vicon Connectivity node is read-only.

When you click on an individual MX Giganet node on the System tab, the following controls are available in the Identification section of the Properties pane:

Setting Description
Name A user-defined display name for the selected MX Giganet.
Type The MX device type.
Device ID The unique identification number Vicon assigned to the MX Giganet during manufacture.

MX Giganet Status section

On the System tab, when you click on an MX Giganet node, the following controls are available in the Status section of the Properties pane:

Setting Description
Connected Whether or not the MX Giganet is currently connected to the Vicon system.
Enabled Whether or not the MX Giganet unit is currently enabled for use.
Sync Master Whether or not the MX Giganet is designated as the synchronization master for the Vicon system.

MX Giganet Sync Out section

General Purpose Outputs (GPO) allow you to configure your system to trigger external equipment on or around each camera frame sync pulse.

Other GPO functionality, available with other Vicon software, is not implemented with Vicon Tracker.

For further information, see the hardware manual for your Vicon Giganet. For up-to-date information about types of GPO triggers that are supported, contact your local Vicon Support office (for Vicon contact details, see Contact Vicon).

MX Giganet Hardware section

On the System tab, when you click on the Vicon Connectivity node or on an MX Giganet node, the following controls are available in the Hardware section of the Properties pane:

Setting Description
MAC Address The Media Access Control (MAC) address assigned to the MX Giganet during manufacture. This is a hexadecimal value in the format ##.##.##.##.##.##.
The Vicon Connectivity node is read-only.
IP Address The Internet Protocol (IP) address assigned to the MX Giganet on the Vicon MX Ethernet network.
The Vicon Connectivity node is read-only.

MX Giganet Firmware section

On the System tab, when you click on an MX Giganet node, the following controls are available in the Firmware section of the Properties pane:

Setting Description
Firmware Version The version number of the firmware currently installed on the MX Giganet.
Firmware Complete Whether or not the currently installed firmware is complete. If not, you can reprogram the firmware.

MX Giganet Commands section

On the System tab, when you click on an MX Giganet node, the following command is available in the Commands section of the Properties pane:

Command Description
Reboot Stop and restart the MX Giganet.

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