Configure system settings

Configure system settings

You configure settings relating to your Vicon Tracker system hardware in the System panel. It contains the following components:

Component Description

System panel properties

Display or change the requested frame rate. To display other system settings, select Advanced Parameters (at the top right of the System panel).

System panel sections

Select the system component that you want to configure from the relevant section:
  • Vicon Cameras The identification and configuration settings for each Vicon camera connected to your Vicon system (see Configure Vicon cameras).
  • Connectivity Devices The identification and configuration settings for each Vicon Lock attached to your Vicon Tracker system (see Configure Vicon connectivity devices).
  • Analog Devices The identification and configuration settings for third-party analog capture sources, such as force plates, EMG equipment, and other generic devices (see Configure analog devices).

System component properties

View or modify properties of the selected system component(s) in the pane in the lower part of the System panel. The properties displayed depend upon the component(s) selected in the System panel sections.

To import, save, and manage System panel settings:

  • Click the System Settings menu on the right of the Tracker menu bar to open the Manage System Settings dialog box.

To perform commands specific to a type of system component node:

  • In the System panel, right-click the required component and select a command from the context menu.

System properties

At the top of the System panel, you can access the following system-wide settings. They affect all the connected cameras and devices:

Control Description
Frame Rate The requested rate (in Hz) at which to synchronize the Vicon cameras.
Default: 120 Hz.
Genlock Setup Choose to lock to an external genlock signal and to select a genlock standard. The type of video standard supported by the connected video source: None, PAL, NTSC, Film, 30Hz, VESA, SDI and SteamVR™ (to display the complete list, click in the Genlock Setup field).
In the list, the icon to the left of each option provides additional information about the availability of that standard.
Note: The 30Hz option enables you to run the Vicon system at multiples of 30 frames per second (above 50 fps), with timecode and genlock capability at true 30 fps, and works with Vicon Locks.
Default: No genlock (ie, locking to an external genlock signal is not selected), None.
Timecode Setup Choose to lock to an external timecode signal and to select a timecode source.
Default: No timecode lock, None.
Genlock Offset Specify a system offset relative to the genlock signal, as a fraction of the genlock frame period. For VESA modes, use the VESA Offset control.
Default: 0.00
VESA Offset Specify a system offset relative to the VESA signal, as a fraction of the VESA frame period. For non-VESA modes, use the Genlock Offset control.
Default: 0.00
Preferred Sync Source

Enables you to choose the device (known as the sync source) that provides the overall synchronization signal to the system. You can select from these options:

  • Automatic Tracker automatically selects the sync source.
  • DeviceName One of the listed devices. You can set any device to be the preferred sync source, but if a connectivity device (Vicon Lock unit) is connected, it is always chosen as the sync source over a non-connectivity device.

In the System panel, the entry for the device selected as the Vicon system sync source, is displayed in bold.
Depending on your Vicon system and its connectivity devices, Tracker selects the sync source as follows:

  • If a Lock is included in the system, it is automatically selected as the sync source.
  • If the system does not contain a Lock, then a Vicon camera is automatically selected as the sync source.
  • If the system contains multiple connectivity devices, one of them is automatically selected as the sync source. However, you must ensure that the sync source is connected to the switch with the shortest network path to the host PC. Also note that genlock and timecode can only be provided by the sync source device. Because Tracker cannot detect which connectivity device is connected via the primary device to the PC, you may need to change the automatically selected source.
Default: Automatic
Enable Tap-To-Select Enable the Tap-to-Select feature of cameras that are equipped with accelerometers.
Default: Selected
Enable Strobes Enable the strobes on cameras.
Default: Selected
Force Lowest Latency When selected, forces Vicon cameras that offer this option into a mode that provides the lowest possible latency at the cost of reducing grayscale and centroid throughput. Generally, this mode is only useful when you're using low latency object tracking.
Caution: In some systems with high numbers of cameras, selecting this option may cause network issues that are manifest as cameras appearing to drop out.
Default: Selected

For information on the system components listed in the System panel, see Configure Vicon cameras, Configure Vicon connectivity devices, and Configure analog devices.

The node for the device currently designated as the Vicon system synchronization source is displayed in bold in the System panel. See Preferred Sync Source.

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