Graph Plots mouse actions
You can use the following mouse actions in a Graph Plot.
When not in Review mode, right-click on subplot or x-axis and select or clear Relative Time Display. Default is selected.
Keys and mouse
Pin/unpin channels
Right-click on:
Remove all channels from the subplot and the Channel Key
Right-click on a line in the Channel Key, and select Remove All.
Reset axis pan and zoom to default
Right-click on subplot or axis and select the required Reset option to reset either the X-axis, Y-axis, or both axes.
Switch between relative and session live time
Pan (slide) both x- and y-axis
Click middle button (or wheel, or both buttons) + drag on subplot
Pan (slide) axis only
Click middle button (or wheel, or both buttons) + drag on required axis
Zoom on both x- and y-axis
Right-click and drag (or CTRL+ wheel) on subplot
Zoom on single axis only
Right-click and drag (or CTRL+ wheel) on required axis
Zoom to selection
ALT+right-click and drag on subplot (sets x- and y-axis ranges to fit a rectangle drawn with the mouse). To cancel, left-click.
Scroll subplot up/down
Rotate mouse wheel back or forward on subplot or axis
In Review mode, scrub one frame backward or forward
Press the A or S key