Vicon Virtual System User Guide
Use Vicon Virtual System (VVS) to emulate connections to a live Vicon system by streaming captured X2D camera data and X1D analog Vicon data files.
VVS is compatible with the following Vicon software listed in this guide.
Get the latest version of VVS from the Vicon website.
What's New?
VVS 1.7 and later supports the following Valkyrie cameras:
- VK26
- VK16
- VK8
Use VVS with Shogun 1.#
You need the following file types (that all belong to the same take) to use VVS with Shogun 1.#:
- Motion capture file (MCP)
- Raw camera data file (X2D)
- (Optional) Subject data file(s) (VSK)
To manage the stream in VVS:
- Open Vicon Virtual System.
In Camera Data File (X2D) , load the X2D file.
Open Shogun Live.
Note: If you have previously connected VVS to Shogun, clear the System and Tracking panels before loading any files. This ensures you are using the correct configuration for your new project.
To stream the X2D file, you need to load the camera calibration. In Shogun, select theCamera Calibration panel.
- Click Load Camera Calibration and select the project's MCP file to load.
In VVS, click Stream.
When streaming, if you can only see the reconstructions, you can also view subjects from VSK files. To load subjects, follow these steps:
- In Shogun, select the Tracking panel.
Click Import Subject.
- Find the directory containing the subject data and import all the relevant VSK files.
Use VVS with Evoke 1.#
To use VVS with Evoke 1.#, you need the following file types:
- Motion capture file (MCP)
- Raw camera data file (X2D)
To manage the stream in VVS:
- Open Vicon Virtual System.
- In Camera Data File (X2D), load the X2D file.
Open Evoke.
Note: If you have previously connected VVS to Evoke, clear the System and Tracking panels before loading any files. This ensures you are using the correct configuration for your new project.
To stream the X2D file, you need to load the camera calibration. In Evoke, select the Camera Calibration panel.
- Click Load Camera Calibration and select the project's MCP file to load.
- To calibrate the cameras, load the equivalent MCP file for the X2D file that is loaded in VVS.
In VVS and select Stream.
Use VVS with Nexus 2.#
To use VVS with Nexus 2.#, you need the following file types:
- Calibration file (XCP)
- Raw camera data file (X2D)
If you want to stream analog data, you also need the following file types:
- System configuration file (SYSTEM)
- Raw analog data file (X1D)
To manage the stream in VVS:
- Open VVS.
- If you have analog data, in the Device Data File field, load your X1D file.
In the Camera Data File field, load your X2D file.
Open Nexus, select the System Preparation tab and then select Load.
Alternatively, you can use File > Import XCP.
Select your XCP file and then select Open.
This applies a calibration to the cameras.
Go back to VVS and select Stream.
If you can only see the reconstructions, from Nexus:
- Select the Subjects tab.
Select Load an existing subject.
- Navigate to your subject data directory and import the VSK file for that data.
The VSK is saved in your session data folder.
Watch a YouTube video that walks you through the process.
VVS does not stream data from any third-party digital devices.
Use VVS with Tracker 3.#
To use VVS with Tracker 3.#, you need the following file types:
- Calibration file (XCP)
- Raw camera data file (X2D)
If you want to stream analog data, you also need the following file types:
- System configuration file (SYSTEM)
- Raw analog data file (X1D)
To manage the stream in VVS:
- Open VVS.
In the Camera Data File field, load the X2D file.
- Open Tracker.
On the Calibrate tab, select Load under Manage Camera Calibration.
- Select the XCP file.
- When ready, select Stream.
- To finish streaming, select Stop.
To add analog data to the stream:
With VVS idle, load an X1D file.
In Tracker, go to the System tab and from the configuration menu, load a SYSTEM file.
- In VVS, select Stream.
- The X2D, XCP, SYSTEM and X1D files must all correspond to the same recorded trial.
- If you have specified an X1D file but do not see a device listed on the System tab, ensure that your device has been properly configured.
If you don't see any objects being tracked in the 3D Perspective view:
- Go to the Objects tab.
- Make sure your object is selected.
- If your object is not listed, select Load an Object or create a new object.