Set up the software

Set up the software

After you have put together the Vicon Valkyrie hardware, you install, configure, and start your Vicon application software.

If you bought your Vicon Valkyrie host PC from Vicon, the software is installed. You do not need to install it again. You can check that the Vicon software folders and icons have been added to the standard locations on the Windows desktop or Start menu.

To set up the software:

  1. Run the downloaded Vicon application software installer.
    After your Vicon application software has been installed, program folders and icons are added to the standard Windows locations, according to the installation options you selected.
  2. Activate the software license. For information on how to do this, see the installation and licensing instructions supplied with your Vicon application software.
  3. On the Vicon Valkyrie host PC, configure the Vicon Valkyrie system IP address:
    • IP address:
    • Subnet mask:
    • Default gateway: Leave blank
    For detailed instructions on configuring your PC network card, including how to change the Jumbo Packet setting to its maximum value and other necessary steps, see Configuring network card settings on the Vicon website. If you are setting up dual network ports on your Vicon Valkyrie host PC (recommended if your system includes Vicon video cameras), see also Vicon host PC connectors in the Vicon Systems Setup Guide.
  4. Start the Vicon application software.
    The application software splash screen is displayed.
  5. To start real-time streaming of data from the Valkyrie cameras, connect the Vicon application software to the Valkyrie system:
    • Shogun Live, Tracker 4 and Evoke:  In the System panel, go to the Vicon Cameras section and check that the cameras are connected (indicated by a cyan icon if not yet calibrated) and at the bottom of the Workspace, the displayed information (eg, Frames, Seconds) is updating.
    • Nexus and Tracker 3:  In the Resources pane, click the Go Live button. When the system is connected, the button label changes to Go Offline and the camera icon changes color.

For information on using your Vicon application software, see the links in the software Help menu or visit help.vicon.com.

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